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For many, particularly sensitive dog-lovers.

  • And if the story isn't enough, thinking about the aforementioned Reality Subtext will leave you in tears for sure, especially at the end of the movie.
  • Anne-Marie's song "Soon, You'll Be in My Heart". As award-baity as it is, it's such a sad song, especially since it was in memory of Judith Barsi, who didn't get to live to see how successful the movie was.
  • When Anne-Marie overhears Charlie's rant to Itchy and mistakenly thinks Charlie doesn't really care about her. She runs off in tears and is immediately captured by Carface.
  • Charlie's Heroic Sacrifice. When Anne-Marie has almost drowned, he has to choose between her or his watch (his life support). He ends up saving her first and then he makes a last-ditch attempt to grab the watch. Cut to the watch filling the water and stopping.
  • When Charlie comes to say goodbye to Anne-Marie. He tells her that he'll see her again someday, but he couldn't keep that promise since Anne-Marie never comes back in the sequels or TV show.
    • During Charlie's goodbye to Anne-Marie, Itchy is sleeping, but he's frowning with a furrowed brow. You can't help but wonder if he had cried himself to sleep...
  • Timmy's fate in the Bad Future when Carface is shown, it's implied he's thrown out of his house and dies due to his leg...incidentally, this triggers Carface's Heel Face Turn.
  • Itchy's angry, tearful "because I'm your friend" speech to Charlie after Carface and his minions attack him.

Itchy: Y'see that? (the casino explodes) That's our place. You were gonna fix Carface well. Well, he fixed us! Ya see, boss, it's gone too far! You wanted revenge on Carface and I said, "No, please, let's get outta town", but I stayed because...because you're my friend. And then you wanted to kidnap the girl and I said, "This is crazy!" (his hat bounces off his head for a moment) But I helped ya, and then- and then we gotta dress the girl and read her stories, and she wants we should feed the poor, and the whole while, I'm thinking, "This is stupid! She's gonna get us killed!". ...But I stay because...I'm your friend. But tonight...(stifles sob) tonight... (tearfully) Charlie, he tried to kill me! (inhales) He tried to kill me, Charlie, and you was out gallivantin' with this- (he goes back to the window, shaking and seething with anger) with this girl! I say we should lose the girl, get outta town, Charlie, you and me, it even!


  • It's brief, but Itchy crying when he sees the resurrected Charlie for the first time is a bit sad. You can tell Charlie's temporary death wrecked him.
  • The song "Love Survives", especially since it was in memory of Judith Barsi, Anne-Marie's voice actor.

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