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  • Executive Meddling: We were originally going to get to see Charlie's body flying off the pier. (This is that rare example of a good executive decision.)
    • But many book adaptations of Don Bluth films include unused artwork. Therefore, the tie-in book for this film showed a very clear silhouette of Charlie's body flying alongside the car...
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Charlie Barkin is Bandit
  • The Other Darrin: Charlie Sheen and Ernest Borgnine respectively voice Charlie and Carface in the sequel, replacing original voice actors Burt Reynolds and Vic Tayback.
  • The Red Stapler: Watching this movie WILL make you want to get a German Shepard.
  • Troubled Production: The sequel, according to the directors, was originally animated in Dublin, Ireland (where Bluth's original studio, which produced the first film, used to take place before that). But then, after Screen Animation Ireland, the Dublin studio in charge of the animation, shut its doors, the animation has to be outsourced to several studios in countries like Taiwan, Korea, Canada, and Denmark in order for the film to meet up the deadline.
  • What Could Have Been: Charlie was a detective in the original draft and the film was going to be an anthology of three short stories.
  • The Wiki Rule: The All Dogs Go to Heaven Wiki