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Basic Trope: German characters being portrayed as Nazis in the future, the past, or in fantasy universes.
- Straight: In a Time Travel show Frederick the Great, The Red Baron, Erich Honecker, Chairman Schultz, and Walther Ivermann all exhibit distinct Nazi mannerisms.
- Exaggerated: Every single German in the history of ever is portrayed as a longcoat-wearing, goose-stepping, Jew-hating, Card-Carrying Villain.
- Up to Eleven: All Germans, even those with a single atom of German ancestry, are Hitler. Not just resembling, but exactly. Including Hitler's most famous enemies.
- Justified: Historical figures are replaced by time-travelling Nazis trying to Make Wrong What Once Went Right.
- The Germans that aren't Nazis are dead, exiled, in concentration camps, or keeping their mouths shut very carefully.
- Inverted:
- Even from 1933 to 1945, there are no Nazis.
- All Germans embody a different ridiculous stereotype: Oktoberfest 24/7. Beer and polka for everybody!
- Germany is the only country portrayed in the work as not having Nazi attitudes.
- Subverted: German leader in The Future looks and sounds like a Nazi, but it's only a prank to scare the time-travelers.
- Double Subverted: But he's then overthrown by an actual Nazi.
- Parodied: Our protagonists go to Germany. All the Germans they meet seem to be over-the-top Nazis, and they accept this as just the way Germans are - and then the camera pans out to show that they never left America and somehow wandered into a neo-Nazi rally.
- Deconstructed:
- A German character suffers terrible prejudice on account of his nationality, because everyone thinks he's a Nazi.
- Due to media overload, all countries in the world begin to assume Germany is full of Nazis. They institute economic sanctions against Germany strongly resembling those instituted after WWI. The entire nation of Germany figures that if they're going to be accused of being Nazis, they might as well be Nazis.
- Reconstructed:
- But he actually is a Nazi in secret and occasionally shows it.
- All media depicting Germans as Nazis is owned and created by a German Nazi, making the whole plan Shaped Like Itself.
- Zig Zagged: He often switches between acting like a Nazi and being offended by being treated like one.
- Averted: Germans both in the past and in the future are portrayed appropriately, without any references to Nazis.
- Enforced: The work was made in 1946, or is a throwback to that era.
- The Heroes wander into a propaganda production in Germany during World War II(for some reason). The purpose is to make sure the whole world thinks that all Germans are one hundred percent behind Hitler, fanatically devoted to conquering the world, and desperate to sniff out any "Jewish influence."
- Lampshaded: "Herr Bismarck?" "Ja?" "...You're wearing a swastika armband. What the fuck"
- Invoked: "Let's go to a German neo-Nazi rally; it'll look like all Germans are Nazis."
- Defied: "Let's only meet the least stereotypical Germans possible."
- Discussed: "We're in 1930s Germany: All Germans we'll see will be Nazis."
- Conversed: "These guys are great, why does everyone think they're Nazis?"
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