You may have noticed that Drew is going prematurely bald despite his age. Why is this? Well, not only is it possibly heriditary due to Grandpa Lou's current state of affairs, but look at who his daughter is. Is it any wonder why he took to the sidelines and let Charlotte take things over in terms of raising their daughter, barely saying a word?
"Susie Sings The Blues". Susie gets conned out of $1000, but rather than immediately head home, she sits there alone on the park bench until night falls, all the while wearing something that is pretty revealing by itself. Did it ever occur to her what could have happened while she was there all alone?
Z turned out to be a nice guy after all at the end of "Bad Kimi", but what if he wasn't? Keep in mind that Kimi was accompanying him at night, possibly way after curfew, and quite possibly without permission or knowledge about it from her parents.
She did say they should trust her judgment. Presumably, she knows the difference between real bad boys and those who are just playing the part.
The episode where Dil gets a tape of an Alien Autopsy. He steals it from a tenth-grader, who visits him at the end of the episode to beat Tommy in his place. What's more, Grandpa Lou and Boris come out to confront the bully, who not only is not intimidated by them, but is actually preparing to beat them up. Clearly unhinged, violent, AND he knows where Dil and Tommy lives. What's to say he won't pay them a visit again soon?