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  • Canon Susie: What flaws does Susie have, exactly? On top of that, consider this: Whenever it looks like a gig is going to be utterly ruined for Susie, it seems like the very laws of nature itself will go out of its way to ensure Susie is the one who comes out on top. See the episodes "R.V. Having Fun Yet? Part 2" and "It's Karma, Dude!"
    • However some other episodes do give her some realistic flaws such as the first episode where she is easily conned into giving a woman $1000 thinking it's for a record deal, another one has her struggling to juggle a music audition and an academic commitment and she's portrayed acting very petty and childish in the episode where Angelica stays with her. One episode also has her fed up with being called perfect by the other kids and goes bad for the next 20 minutes.
    • Also probably intentional, given that even though it's slightly less so here she's still intended to be the same Foil for Angelica that she was in Rugrats: Angelica thinks a lot of herself but has many flaws, so Susie is the all around better person who counteracts her - to her resentment. It's worth noting that almost all of Susie's best moments put her in comparison to Angelica in some way.
  • Creator's Pet: Harold appears more often in the later seasons of the show, sometimes even interacting with the younger kids in the absence of one, which hits a sore spot with fans of the original eight Rugrats.
  • Die for Our Ship: Nicole, Rachel, Z and Nicholas for being the love interests of Chuckie, Tommy, Kimi and Lil, respectively. Strangely, a lot of them (save for Rachel) end up getting Put on a Bus, particularly noticeable with Z, who doesn't appear much save for a couple of non-speaking cameos at the start of Season 2.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Among the main characters, Dil and Kimi. Ironic when you consider that they are often Misblamed for the Seasonal Rot in Rugrats, making them....
  • Epileptic Trees: People were trying to figure out if Savannah Shane and Samantha Shane were one and the same girl (they do share a last name, after all,) despite looking and acting completely different. It doesn't help that Klasky-Csupo confirmed this rumour, right before Retconning it by having both characters appear in the same episode.
  • Launcher of a Thousand Ships: Kimi is often shipped with Tommy and Phil in the fandom.
  • Puppy Love: All the pairings from the original series (Tommy/Kimi,Tommy/Lil, Chuckie/Lil, Chuckie/Angelica, Phil/Susie, etc.), except it's easier to ship them here due to it being less Squicky.
    • Less Squicky?. Speak for yourself...
    • Also, the Westermark Effect should be making any such paring squicky to the characters themselves. They have known each other since infancy, after all.
  • The Scrappy - Morty is a parody of one. He's introduced to the group, tries too hard to be funny, and ends up widely disliked by everyone in record time.
  • Sequelitis: It is generally disliked by fans of its prequel due to it's massive differences, and it never got the love it's predecessor had. It barely lasted a few years, and with no legit movies.
  • Squick: The kids' reaction to Lou Pickle's Haggis.
  • Tear Jerker: From the second episode where Lil moves out of her and Phil's room into one of her own. Just the moment where Phil walks into the room to find her stuff gone and sadly looks at pictures of them together as kids, ending with a shot of them in the mud from Rugrats.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Every character save for Dil and Angelica (yes, ANGELICA.) has fallen to this, either in single instances or as a group. The biggest example would be the entire group turning on Tommy in "All Broke Up."
    • Considering the age gap though, it's not hard to wrap your head around the fact.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Phil and Lil dropped Dil on his head when he was little. It's implied that this is the reason he's a Cloudcuckoolander, which means that all this time, we could have been laughing at somebody with brain damage. Oh Lord.
  • We're Still Relevant, Dammit!: This show is meant to do this for the Rugrats franchise.
  • What an Idiot!: What in the world made you think throwing a bowling ball through your roof was a good idea, Tommy?
    • Drew and Stu basically say this to each other when they realise that the car they threw off of a cliff originally belonged to ELVIS!