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All Monsters Attack, or Godzilla's Revenge as it's more commonly known, is the tenth film in the Godzilla series. Between showing the most evident signs of the kiddy-friendly direction the series was going into and the excessive use of stock footage, it is considered one of the worst in the series.

Rather then focusing on Godzilla, the film is the story of latchkey kid Ichiro, that between his parents being busy, school bullies, the bad neighborhood he lives near, chooses to escape his troubles by imagining himself going on adventures with Godzilla's son Minya on Monster Island. Through these journeys into imagination and watching Godzilla fight his battles and try to help his son figure out how to deal with his own bully, a warty ogre called Gabara, Ichiro learns how to stand up for himself and fight, which comes in handy when he's kidnapped by bank robbers. After outwitting them and beating his bully, the film ends with Ichiro's childhood possibly going into a better direction by having gained the respect of his peers.

Tropes used in All Monsters Attack include:
  • All Just a Dream: All the monster sequences within Ichiro's imagination, which serve as life lessons for how to deal with human bullies and bandits.
  • Compilation Movie: The Monster Island scenes are almost completely comprised of stock footage outside scenes with Gabara, Minya and Ichiro's interactions and a reshot version of Godzilla teaching his son how to breath fire.
  • Extremely Short Timespan: The main storyline only takes place within less than a day of Ichiro's life.
  • Shock and Awe: Gabara's primary powers
  • Suddenly Voiced: Minya, who sounds like some mix of Goofy and Barney Rubble in the English dub.