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  • Maybe not Crowning, but definitely a Moment of Funny from the second Light Novel:

"All right. But just out of curiosity, Allison..."
"What is it?"
"Do you have a driver’s license?"
"...That is a military secret, Mr. Schultz."
"So, no."
"What tipped you off?"
"Just drive safely..."


    • Again from the second novel:

"Wil! You know what I’m going to do, right?" (She can't find enough open space for a takeoff run, so she's going to drive the plane over an 800-meter cliff and hope she can pull out of the fall before crashing at the bottom.)
"I’ve got an idea... a terrifying one."
"Then I’m going to tell you something, in case we fail."
"What is it?"
"‘Sorry I messed up’! Okay! I apologized in advance!"


    • And another, from the Lillia and Treize series:

“Got it! So Lillia, what’s for dinner tonight?”
“I haven’t decided yet. ...Maybe meat, to get us pumped up?”
“Yeah! There’s nothing like a carnivore’s diet.”
“Okay! Meat it is.”
“Huzzah! You’re the best, Lillia!”
“Huzzah! All hail meat! ...Mom?”
“We sound like idiots.”
“Oh, it’s not like anyone’s watching.”


  • Tear Jerker (Episode 13.)
    • Another, from the Light Novels -- just before the Allison series began, the Air Force required its pilots to write a will and last message, to be passed on to their families if they died. Allison's was to Wil, of course. Years later, it was sent to Allison because it'd been in storage so long the Air Force figured it was out of date. Lillia read it. Even knowing how things turned out for Allison and Wil, the following passage is....

I suppose I should write in the past tense, now.
I wanted to be with you. I wanted to see things with you, visit places with you, sleep with you, wake up with you (I’m sorry, but I wanted you to wake me up), spend time with you, grow up with you, and grow old with you.
Something just occurred to me. ‘Was I able to confess my feelings to Wil, who reads this letter, while I was still alive?’
If I told you that I loved you, told you many times how much I loved you, and you thought I was an annoyance — and if you began to treat me differently because of that...
That thought scares me more than death.
But if you told me that you loved me too, I would be so happy. — Would have been.


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