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  • Growing the Beard: The show's early years with Ross Shafer as host, while popular at the time, are now nearly forgotten.
  • Memetic Mutation: A not-inconsiderable number of the local stereotypes on the show were invented for the show, thanks to John Keister knowing every nook and cranny of the city. They are now, to varying extents, firmly attached to the real-life locations.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Bill Nye and Joel McHale got their start here.
    • Several of the rockers from the "Lame List" made some good names for themselves in the era of Grunge rock, including Kim Thayil of Soundgarden.
    • Also David Scully joined the show in its last two seasons, though this is a Hey, It's That Voice! variation. He would later go on to be better known as the voice of Sergeant Johnson.
    • Lauren Weedman, later Horny Patty on Hung, was a featured player at the end of the 14th season and a regular for the 15th season.
    • Joe Guppy, a writer/performer in the show's early seasons, was part of the cast in the 1989 revival season of Not Necessarily The News. Wife Nancy was also a NNTN writer and bit player before rejoining Almost Live! in 1992.
  • Tear Jerker: No, seriously. Funny as this song is, if you grew up in Seattle in the 1980's and early 1990', odds are it might make you a little misty-eyed.
  • Money, Dear Boy: When Michael Jordan was at the height of his one-man advertising blitz, he passed through Seattle and filmed a promo for the show, saying something like "I'll promote anything. Now they want me to do a plug for Almost Live!" (Thinks about this for moment, shakes his head) "No." (Gets up and leaves.)