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Several points, particularly the first part where a muscular Mook is chasing Carnby, performing several impressive acrobatics, crashing through a window, breaking down a door, and breaking through another window. In respective order, was it necessary to climb and jump on the main character when he could of caught up with him easily? Did he have to break down a door when he could have gone through the same window? Why does he not just use the door?
Let's not even get started on the scene after this when Edward shoots the mook and the wound heals; prompting him to then try to take it out by engaging in a kicking and punching fight with it.
It just bugs me that Uwe Boll's film is better known than the 1982 film of the same name.
Infamy, my friend. Infamy.
Is it just me, or should the "City evacuated" subtitle be removed from the last scene. It makes more sense and been far significant to have everyone's disappearance been supernatural rather than an evacation. I mean the Arkani disappeared the last time they opened the portal, maybe the same thing could happen to everyone in North America the second time it was opened.. It would have added something of a Lovecraftian dread that the rest of the movie lacked.