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A list of characters in Alter A.I.L.A. Warning: Here be SPOILERS.[1]
Playable Characters[]
The Player Character, who normally functions as The Lancer for the player group. One of the prisoners in the arena, and the player with the highest win percentage. Has a crush on Green.
In the Innovator route, Blue's role is completely different. He assumes the role of the team leader, has fully as many lines as the rest of the group, and is revealed as a key pawn for AILA's destructive ambitions. His Unresolved Sexual Tension with Green is also resolved. His real name is Leon.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: The Innovator route reveals that he is one of those humans susceptible to Aila's mind control, and his actions in the other routes were a result of that. In this route, he does a brief Face Heel Turn, but is soon debrainwashed.
- Dating Catwoman: He and Green love each other, though they don't actually admit it except in the Innovator route. Unfortunately, whichever side Blue chooses, Green joins up with the enemy.
- Enemy Scan: His Analyze ability.
- Extreme Doormat: Mostly just goes along with his group, rather than making any plot-related decisions himself. Even if he switches teams, he still just goes along with the agenda of the new group.
- Guns Akimbo: Justified; he's the only one with the dexterity required to use two guns at once, making them his Weapon of Choice.
- The Hero: In the Innovator route only.
- Jack of All Stats: He's slightly above average in most areas, with his main claim to fame being his Enemy Scan ability and his use of Dual Guns (a relatively powerful weapon).
- The Lancer: In most routes, he plays backup while the team leader makes the decisions.
- The Quiet One: Doesn't talk much, except to Green.
- Redheaded Hero
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: When Gray asks him if Green's his girlfriend, he denies it. The denial lasts for approximately five seconds, after which they become the Official Couple.
- Supporting Protagonist: What he becomes in the first three routes.
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: Comes very close to a Heroic BSOD after killing Limit Green, inspiring him to ask his teammates if there was no other way.
- Also his personality changes when he regains his memories at the beginning of the Innovator route.
- Not So Stoic: Comes very close to a Heroic BSOD after killing Limit Green, inspiring him to ask his teammates if there was no other way.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: He and Green never get the chance to resolve it in the arena, and afterwards they're on opposite sides. If they ever get a chance to talk without trying to kill each other, it's quickly resolved.
The longest-surviving prisoner in the arena. Feared by the other players as a virtually-unstoppable enemy, and almost all of her losses happened because she saved other teams when they were in a jam. She is an expert in both first aid and shooting rifles. After the escape, she ends up on an opposing side to Blue, and he eventually kills her.
In the Innovator route, Blue flatly refuses to fight her at the abandoned city lab, and they flee together. It's later revealed that Green was committed to the prison because she was involved in the Jackal Project that destroyed the West City, where she was a scientist named Sylvia. She is not under Aila's control, and is the one to bring Blue back from the brink.
- The Atoner
- Canon Name: Sylvia. Changed to "Erin" in the remake.
- Combat Medic: Insane damage output, surpassed only by Black's PK, plus healing abilities, make her one of the most formidable members of the team.
- Fan Nickname: Limit Green, when she stops holding back and fights Blue for real.
- Fridge Logic: Even after you know the whole story behind Blue's actions, it's unclear why Green of all people would join the Empire in Blue's Independent path. It's completely out of character for her to sign on with a Complete Monster like Red, and she's one of the characters definitely not under Aila's control.
- Hair of Gold
- Hero Antagonist
- I Let You Win: In her first encounter with Blue, she's holding back because she doesn't want to hurt him. By the second time around, she's put this behind her.
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: She gets one with Limit Blue. Subverted in that it isn't firepower or The Power of Love that breaks Aila's control, but one of Tinder's gadgets.
- Mighty Glacier: Her speed is more or less average. Her damage is anything but.
- Lightning Bruiser: Easily tweaked into this.
- The Messiah: Both before leaving the arena, and in the Innovator Route. In most routes, she resolves to put this aside right before her death.
- Team Mom
- Worthy Opponent: How she sees Blue when she finds herself on the opposite side. "You have your path to follow, and I have mine."
A musclebound brute that has to wear a skull-themed mask due to burns received in a Noodle Incident. Foul-mouthed, foul-tempered, and batshit insane, he cares about nothing other then personal power and strength, and is more than willing to do anything it takes to get more power and kill anyone who gets in his way. He joins the Imperials because they're the strongest of the factions, and also so he can stab Kugar and Liam in the back and take over himself. Easily the most evil character in the game. His name is Dread in Genesis.
In the Innovator route, he is killed at the beginning of part 2.
- Axe Crazy
- Bad Boss: Of all team leaders, he is the least grateful and the most arrogant.
- Blood Knight
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Loyal only to himself and more than eager to take over the empire by sheer brute force by brutally murdering Lian.
- The Dragon: Acts more like The Brute, but he's the chief henchman for both Kugar and Lian.
- Evil Overlord: His Imperials route ending.
- Obviously Evil: His skull mask is just to make you remember that he is, you know, EVIL.
- Scary Black Man
- The Starscream: In the Imperial ending.
An elderly member of the Rebellion that was captured and imprisoned by Kugar. He is noble and compassionate, but his drive to defeat Kugar borders on fanaticism from time to time. His name is Hawk in Genesis.
In the Innovator route, he makes a Heroic Sacrifice to save Blue and Orange during the beginning of part 2.
- A Father to His Men
- The Cape (trope): The most moral of the characters.
- Cool Old Guy
- Heroic Sacrifice: In the Innovator Route.
- Knight Templar: He knows that the Empire might capture and brainwash the Independents, so he tries to capture them first to ensure that the Rebellion doesn't have to go up against them when they're brainwashed. It's never made clear whether this is his idea or Aila's.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: In the Imperial route, Red never has a nice conversation with him.
- Mind Control: He is vulnerable to Aila's suggestions.
- President Evil: His Rebellion route ending.
Yellow is the leader of the Independents. He is brash and hotheaded, but he has a good heart, especially where his friends are concerned.
In the Innovator route, he is mortally wounded by the Agent Trio before Blue and co stop them. Just before dying, he begs them to save Violet.
- Badass Longcoat
- Charged Attack: His special ability.
- Heroic Neutral: He doesn't care too much about the war until [[spoiler:it becomes personal.
- Hot-Blooded
- It's Personal: Aims to take on the Empire after Violet is kidnapped.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He is not a nicest guy on the planet, but he does care about his friends.
- Revenge Before Reason: In the Rebel route.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: His objective after Violet's death in every route but Innovator.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: In his Independents route ending he leaves with Blue and Black on a boat searching for new lands to explore and no longer caring about the war.
- What Could Have Been: According to Word of God, at first he was supposed to take Green's place as The Mentor for Blue. Kinda subverted, since he plays this role in Genesis.
Wearing only a black cloak and a strange, glowing facemask, Black is shrouded in mystery. Despite seemingly never speaking, Black has become a close friend and confidant to White. In part 2, Black is revealed to be female, and betrays the Rebellion in favor of the Independents. Her reasoning is that, should White succeed in his mission, he will cause countless innocents to suffer. However, when asked why she believes this, she is unable to answer...
The Innovator route reveals that she was "the Key" to ending a war on a distant planet. She was being escorted to said planet by Blue (then called Leon) and Grey when their ship was ambushed by one of the war's sides, and were forced to crash land on the world the game takes place on.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: As the Final Boss of the Rebellion route.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: When Black is finally unmasked she one-shots Ultima Weapon with a single Mind Blast. Cutscene Power to the Max.
- Final Boss: In the Rebellion route.
- Game Breaker: When unmasked, though she still needs to level up a bunch before she gets access to access Mind Blast, the strongest psychic attack.
- Knight Templar: Black's goal in every route is to kill White, because she has a feeling that White will cause suffering if he wins the war.
- In the Innovators route she learns that White was under Aila's Mind Control. She regrets her actions and visits his grave.
- Lightning Bruiser: While masked, she hits hard when given a rifle, moves fast, and takes virtually no damage. Unmasked, she's somewhat more fragile, but see Game Breaker above.
- One-Winged Angel At the end of the Rebellion route.
- Psychic Powers: When unmasked.
- Samus Is a Girl
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: In the Independents route.
- The Chosen One: She is 'The Key,' whom Blue and Gray were transporting on their ship to win the war that the Federation was fighting.
- The Faceless
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
A timid young man who is very good with machinery. He is a nice enough guy, but he is somewhat cowardly and prefers to join the side that promises the least bloodshed. As such, he joins the Imperials. However, in part 2 he has a change of heart and joins the Rebellion.
In the Innovator route, he and White are overpowered by Mad Scientist Cannabis, but are saved by Blue. However, Cannabis' Vader robot attempts to self destruct, forcing White to sacrifice himself to save everyone. Orange is devastated by White's death, but Green manages to convince him to continue on and help them.
- Awesomeness By Analysis: In the last boss fights against him, he analyze your fighting style and becomes unhittable by normal attacks.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Never piss off a hacker. He'll lock you in a room and vacuum the air out.
- Extreme Doormat: One of the reasons he joined the Imperials. Subverted at the end of part 2, where he makes a Heel Face Turn.
- Graceful Loser: In the Independent route, he holds no grudge against you for killing him and White, and gives you the information you'll need to finish off the Empire before he expires.
- Nice Guy: Orange is one of the more sympathetic characters in the game.
- Heel Face Turn: He joins the Rebellion in part two.
- Heroic BSOD: After White's death in the Innovator route
- The Smart Guy
- Technical Pacifist: Prefers to take the path of least resistance when possible. He joins Kugar's regime because it's "the path of least resistance" when he has no other allies.
A spunky, Hot-Blooded girl who is close friends with Yellow.
In part 2, she is captured and hypnotized by the Imperials. In the Rebel and Independent routes, the party is forced to kill her in the final battle against Red. However, in the Innovator route, Green manages to undo the hypnotism.
- Action Girl
- Book Dumb: According to her character meme, found here: http://rpgmaker.net/games/268/blog/2160/
- Brainwashed and Crazy: What makes her join the Imperials.
- She is cured from this in the Innovator route.
- Damsel in Distress: Violet seems to be this after the Imperials kidnap her.
- Dying as Yourself: At the end of the Independents route. She manages to have a short conversation with Yellow before he starts his Roaring Rampage of Revenge on those responsible.
- Heroic Sociopath: Somewhat.
- Hot-Blooded
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Her objective at first. Doesn't happen, she gets brainwashed.
- The Chick
The youngest of the main cast. Oddly, she is only present in the prologue, vanishing during the routes. The Innovator route explains that this is because she met Grey and decided to help him with his ship, but...she's not very good with mechanical stuff.
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Our Vampires Are Different: Her Siphon Shot drains the life of the target.
- Flat Character: It doesn't help that after prologue you won't see her until the Innovator route.
- Twist Ending/Sequel Hook: The final scene of the Innovators route has her speaking with Aila's voice.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: She doesn't show up at all in the first three routes.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: The same colour as her code colour!
A character only appearing in the Innovator route.
Grey is a soldier of the Federation, and a close friend of Blue. Years ago, he and Blue, then known as Leon, were tasked with escorting Black to their homeworld, as she was "The Key" to ending a war between the Federation and an unknown enemy. However, their ship is ambushed by said enemies and they are forced to make a crash landing on the world the game takes place on. While Blue and Black end up captured, Grey manages to remain with the downed ship. He now struggles to both find Black and repair the ship so he and Blue can go home, but this is easier said then done, as not only has the ship been heavily damaged, but his crew all died in the crash and his new partner, Indigo, is not good with machinery.
- Guest Star Party Member
- Healing Factor: His special ability is literally called this.
- The Captain
Non-playable Characters[]
A traveling salesman that the party encounters throughout the game, always willing to sell them weapons and items. He is the one who builds each character their Infinity+1 Sword. Also, the Innovator route reveals he had a major role in the game's backstory.
- Bonus Boss
- Determinator: For years he was hiding not only from The Empire, but also from Aila finding a way to defeat her.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Recurring Traveller: He is pretty much everywhere where you are to sell his stuff. And if not, there is his Tinderbot. Justified, since he is trained special agent who is able to freely infiltrate every area.
The leader of the rebellion.
- Arm Cannon
- Big Good
- Climax Boss: During the Imperial route.
- Large and In Charge
- Reasonable Authority Figure: So reasonable that in the Innovator route he trusts Orange, who was one of Imperials, and helps the party to stop destruction of the world.
- What Could Have Been / Dummied Out: He was supposed to be a secret character.
A member of the Rebellion and Gold's wife. She is believed to have been killed in the attack that allowed the main cast to escape. This turns out to be false as she, like Violet, has been hypnotized into becoming a servant of the Imperials.
- Action Girl
- Brainwashed and Crazy: By Lian. She is cured from this at the end of Innovator route
- Gatling Good
- What Could Have Been / Dummied Out: Like Gold, she was supposed to be a secret character.
A scientist working for the Empire. After Kugar's death, he takes control of the Empire and begins working to crush the Rebellion, as well as reviving the Jackal Project.
- Evil Genius: So evil that he continues research that destroyed one of two known cities.
- Evil Genius Ascendant: He is in charge of The Empire after Kugar's death at the end of first part of the game.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: His fate at the end of Independents Route. Sending untested Jackal on heroes wasn't his best idea.
- Non-Action Guy
The ruler of the Empire. He is a tyrant, but he is also oddly polite, even to his enemies. In part 2, he attempts to destroy the Rebels and Independents with his Battle Armor, Ultima Weapon, but is killed by Black. His empire is inherited by Liam.
In the Innovator route, he returns as a Virtual Ghost and plans to use the sky fortress Avalon to destroy and recreate the world.
- Affably Evil: See Verbal Tic.
- A God I Am: Variation; he created virtual Heaven because he realized that true Heaven doesn't exist.
- Big Bad: Subverted since he dies at the end of first part of the game without even a boss battle.
- Double Subverted since he comes back in the Innovator Route to destroy the world.
- Zig Zagged if you play the Innovator route to the fullest, discovering that Aila is The Man Behind the Man.
- Double Subverted since he comes back in the Innovator Route to destroy the world.
- Emperor Scientist
- Large and In Charge
- Heel Face Turn: At the end of Innovator Route.
- That One Boss
- Trust Password: "Bear is coming" is what makes him believe that Tinder is still alive.
- Verbal Tic: My friends, this trope is quite accurate, my friends.
- Virtual Ghost: He really died during the incident that destroyed the Abandoned City, and has existed since then as computer data in Avalon, though he pretended to die when his Humongous Mecha was taken out.
- You Said You Would Let Them Go: Variation; in the bad Innovator ending, Kugar promises to grant Blue one wish if Blue defeats him. Blue wants him to free his friends from Kugar's Lotus Eater Machine and stop destruction of the world. After Kugar is defeated, he frees Blue's friends, but reminds him that he promised to grant only one wish. And even he couldn't stop destruction of the world, anyway.
Spoiler warning[]
- And I Must Scream: Being created just to be burned out as a living power plant.
- Anti-Villain: Type II
- Artificial Human
- Big Bad
- Curtains Match the Window
- Freudian Excuse: Again, given how humans treated her, Killing All Humans was entirely reasonable the first time, and at least understandable this time.
- She Who Fights Monsters
- Humanoid Abomination: She is literally powerful beyond human comprehension; the Analyze ability does not work on her for this reason.
- Man Behind the Man: She is behind not only Kugar, but also White and Blue.
- Mind Control: Only over certain receptive individuals; the ones we know she can control are Kugar, White, Blue and Indigo.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Power Floats
- Psychic Powers
- Sins of Our Fathers: She tries to repeat the cycle of destruction because of what humans did to her in the past.
- True Final Boss
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: She was treated as nothing more than a resource to exploit.
- Woman in White
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: See And I Must Scream. She and her fellow Ailas got rather sick of being born into pain and death and nuked the world, and now she wants to do it again to wipe out what's left of humanity.
- You Gotta Have Neon Turquoise Hair
Characters in the remake, Alter A.I.L.A. Genesis:[2][]
The Heroes[]
"A soft-spoken amnesiac with an impeccable sense of honour."
As before, he is the main character, but is even more of a Supporting Protagonist than in the original. He is very quiet and stoic, and also had his memory wiped before being brought to the prison of Stynx. While there, he is befriended by Scott and Violet, and opts to travel with them throughout the game, generally going along with whatever they tell him to do. He also seems to be very concerned about Erin, and tries to help her on many occasions, even against reason. However, neither are explicitly in love with one another like they were in the original.
He is very moral, an oddity in the Crapsack World that is Ceres.
After phase 5, Scott reveals that he didn't have his memory wiped; he was like that to begin with, and appeared to have fallen from the sky itself. Later in the game, he is brainwashed by Aila, and is snapped out of it by Celia's powers rather than one of Tinder's gadgets. When Aila controlled him, however, she unintentionally gives him his memories back. (Leading to him becoming slightly more talkative) He originally came from another planet, along with Celia and Gray, but were shot down and crash-landed in Ceres.
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Cast from Hit Points: Killing Point.
- Climax Boss: Due to being Brainwashed and Crazy.
- Defrosting Ice King
- Eyes of Gold: He gains them when executing Killing Point.
- Fiery Redhead: Inverted.
- Firing One-Handed: When performing Ether Round and Killing Point.
- Guns Akimbo: Unlike in the original, however, it's not justified.
- Honor Before Reason: He doesn't take this to extreme extents, but he has his moments.
- Human Alien
- Humble Hero
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Justified. It's due to a memory lock he purposefully activated to keep Celia's identity secret.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Lampshaded with the description his joker gives.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "This is it, Aila. Your scheme is over!" Said before the final battle.
- The Quiet One
- Redheaded Hero
- The Stoic
- Supporting Protagonist: As in the original, he starts off dangerously close to this, and becomes more and more of one as time goes on.
- Teleport Spam / Spam Attack: Blast Revolver.
"A vigilante determined to live life at his own pace."
A criminal who was apprehended and brought to Stynx. He seems like a fairly decent person, however, and quickly befriends Leon when he arrives in Stynx. After phase 1, he escapes Stynx and tries to journey to Pallas in order to find freedom. He cares deeply about Violet, but does not seem to have any romantic feelings towards her, much to Violet's annoyance.
He, along with Violet and Lavitz, were orphans who were doomed to die as nobodies. However, Kugar took them in under his wing, and taught them to survive. In return, Scott and Violet joined Kugar's special operations team, while Lavitz became his personal bodyguard. Scott and Violet were actually assigned to monitor Leon, who, like Celia, was an enigma Kugar wished to study.
- Badass Longcoat
- Big Damn Heroes: At the beginning of phase 7.
- Blood From the Mouth: During his Heroic Sacrifice.
- Climax Boss
- Cool Shades: He has red sunglasses.
- Crazy Prepared: In Stynx. It all turned to be his resources as a member of the special ops team.
- Crutch Character
- Evil All Along
- Heel Face Turn: Almost immediately after the above is revealed.
- Eyes of Gold
- Genre Savvy
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Hot-Blooded
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall
- Love Triangle: He loves Lavitz. Violet is very unhappy about this fact.
- The Mentor: For Leon.
- Parental Substitute: Kugar.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "This is for Lavitz! Prepare yourself!" Said before the final battle.
- Shotguns Are Just Better: Subverted; it's one of the game's weaker weapons.
- Short-Range Shotgun: He moves close to an enemy before firing, which probably explains why the target enemy takes the majority of the splash damage.
"An orphan who seems to have no luck when it comes to love."
A cheerful, talkative Action Girl who is close friends with Scott, and befriends Leon along with him. She makes no secret of her feelings for Scott, but he never seems to display any romantic feelings towards her, much to her annoyance.
Like Scott, she was an orphan who was taken in by Kugar. She joined the special ops team along with Scott. She convinces herself that she always perceived Lavitz as nothing but an obstacle in the way of her love for Scott, but even so, she breaks down in tears after her death.
- Action Girl
- An Ice Person: She does not have the corresponding personality, though. At all.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Big Damn Heroes: At the beginning of phase 7.
- Catch Phrase: "Scott, before we die, I just want to say I love you!" It's Played for Laughs except during the ending, wherein Scott gives her a real response instead of blowing her off. It breaks her heart.
- Climax Boss
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Curtains Match the Window
- Evil All Along
- Heel Face Turn: Almost immediately after the above is revealed.
- Firing One-Handed: Especially egregious since she uses a submachine gun.
- Fragile Speedster / Glass Cannon
- Game Breaker: Chaos + G.U.A.R.D.I.A.N. + EX Facilitator = average of 6600 armour-piercing damage per round = win game.
- With the right setup, she is capable of dealing over one hundred thousand points of damage in a single Shooting Star attack. It really must be seen to be believed.
- Love Triangle: She loves Scott. Scott loves Lavitz. This frustrates her to no end.
- Parental Substitute: Kugar.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "You're definitely not getting away with messing up our lives!" Said before the final battle.
- Purple Eyes
- Teleport Spam / Spam Attack: Shooting Star.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend
- Weapon of Choice: A machine gun.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
"A sniper whose dark history corrupts her motherly nature."
A woman who has lived in Stynx Prison for an impossibly long amount of time. She cares for the weak in Stynx who cannot take care of themselves, especially Indy. However, to anyone else, she is cold, merciless, and even murderous. She is shocked by Leon's bravery and morality, and tries to help him when she can.
She is actually Kugar's daughter, and her real name is Sylvia. As such, she knew Kugar before he became Brainwashed and Crazy, and went to Stynx of her own accord to try and convince her father to return to his old ways. She is also in Kugar's special ops unit.
During the game's backstory, she was shot by Tinder while defending Kugar — on her deathbed, he gave up his life so she could live. It isn't explained precisely how.
- Action Girl
- Anti-Hero
- Broken Bird
- Cold Sniper: Subverted. She is cold and merciless, but does not pleased with the fact that her job is to be a heartless killer. She is actually a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
- Crazy Prepared: Even more than Scott.
- Darker and Edgier: She has dropped her Messiah personality entirely, and is even a cold-blooded murderer. She's also the daughter of the main villain. This leads to a lot of internal conflict.
- Deadpan Snarker: Not nearly as much as Gray, but she's still a frequent lampshader.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: She doesn't "defrost" that much, but the basic principle does still apply.
- Determinator
- Driven to Suicide: Subverted. During the ending, after learning that she is only alive because of her father's Heroic Sacrifice, she suffers a short Heroic BSOD, saying she can't live with herself and wants to give it back. However, Angel!Kugar appears and saves her, saying that if she gave his life back to him, he would give it up again so that she could live.
- Hair of Gold: Subverted. See Personality Powers, below.
- The Hero: It's hard to label any one character as this, as the game is an ensemble piece, but Erin quite possibly qualifies. She tends to be the character the plot revolves around the most, and the one who relates to many of the plot elements the most. She certainly has the personality, as well.
- Hitman with a Heart
- Jerkass Woobie
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: ...Sort of. See Personality Powers, below.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia
- Mama Bear
- The Medic
- Only Sane Man: Despite having a Dark and Troubled Past like everyone else, she remains the most steadfast and level-headed of the heroes, by far.
- Parental Substitute: For Indy.
- Personality Powers: Subverted. She's kind and motherly at heart, but due to her past and having to survive in a Crapsack World, she's developed a cold, hateful exterior and is able to kill others without batting an eye. It can be said that this is played straight and inverted at the same time.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "Today, this six-year struggle will finally come to an end." Said before the final battle.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Technicolor Eyes: She has green eyes.
- Took a Level in Badass: Sadly inverted; her rifle now does pitiful damage, and it's her only form of offense.
- Weapon of Choice: A Sniper Rifle.
"A child whose gift is both a blessing and a curse."
A naive young girl who is only thirteen, yet was thrown into Stynx like everyone else. Erin, her mother, cares for her even more than the other children in the prison. Her psychokinetic abilities are very strange and unusual, as they allow her to drain metaphysical entities, like vitality and stamina, from others. Due to being such a dangerous power, Erin wants to give her a proper upbringing so she does not abuse them.
Erin is not actually her mother; she's an orphan. She does not have any memories of what her life was prior to Stynx.
- Action Girl
- Girlish Pigtails
- Mana Drain / Life Drain
- Parental Substitute: Erin.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "We won't let you bully us anymore!" Said before the final battle.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Averted. No one comments on her blood-red eyes.
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: And how! She is no longer completely useless, and her personality has been tweaked, making her into less of a Bratty Half-Pint and more of a legitimately well-done child character.
- Spam Attack: Vampire.
- Squishy Wizard
- Took a Level in Badass: Compared to her power and general usefulness in the original.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
"A brawler with a burning desire for vengeance upon those who have betrayed him."
Dread is a brutal and dangerous man who is also a Stynx prisoner. He wears a skull mask to cover horrific burns he received in a prior accident. After winning the bi-yearly tournament, he is enlisted into Kugar's special operations team.
He was originally a member of one of the largest and strongest gangs in Ceres, the Blood Hounds. He was a co-leader with Hawk. His burns were received during a raid in Pallas to attain the dangerous "Red Juice" chemical. Hawk gassed the facility, killing everyone except Dread.
- Big Damn Heroes: At the beginning of phase 7.
- The Big Guy: After his Heel Face Turn.
- The Brute
- Good Old Fisticuffs
- Heel Face Turn
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Lighter and Softer: He's much less of a Complete Monster than in the original.
- Mighty Glacier
- Playing with Fire: Does not have the corresponding personality, though. While he's merciless and dangerous, he is has more of a cold "you don't want to mess with me" feel than a Hot-Blooded one.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "How ridiculous. Just hurry up and croak." Said before the final battle.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Scary Black Man
- Walking Shirtless Scene
"A rebel with a steel magnum and a heart of silver."
The leader of the Rebellion. He and his troops discover Celia in phase 1, and he opts to help her however he can after that. After phase 4, he falls under Aila's control, and isn't snapped out of it until the very end of the game.
He was originally the leader of the Blood Hounds gang along with Dread. However, during a crucial raid, he messed up an important job. Instead of becoming the laughingstock of the entire world, he decided to massacre everyone in the building and claim he had intended it all along, "for the greater good". To perfect his lie, or perhaps because he started believing it, he formed the Rebellion.
- Anti-Hero: His Messiah personality has been toned down significantly from the original.
- Badass Longcoat
- Believing Their Own Lies: Heavily implied.
- Blood From the Mouth: During Dread's No-Holds-Barred Beatdown on him. However, it's not a sign of fatality; he joins the heroes shortly after.
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Climax Boss: Due to being Brainwashed and Crazy.
- Cool Old Guy
- Darker and Edgier: As noted above, not only has he been made much less of a nice/moral person here, but his fanaticism towards his cause, while only hinted at in the original, is cranked Up to Eleven. Oh, and he spends the bulk of the game as Aila's loyal mindslave, rather than only being controlled in the endgame.
- Despair Event Horizon / My God, What Have I Done?: He goes through this after being freed from Aila's mind control.
- Driven to Suicide
- Eleventh-Hour Ranger He joins the team at the very end of the game. Though there were few occasions when he was in your party before.
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Heroic Albino
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Mind Over Matter
- Mythology Gag: He disguises himself as Original!Black in phase 1.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "To atone for these sins, I will lay down my own life!" Said before the final battle.
- Pride: That part of his bio that's in spoiler tags? All of it happened because he was too afraid to admit his mistake and become a laughingstock. The entire Rebellion was built on nothing but lies. Ouch.
- Shock and Awe: Again, does not have the corresponding personality.
- Stone Wall: Has the highest HP growth in the game.
- Redemption Equals Death: Or so he believes, due to passing the Despair Event Horizon.
Hawk: I have committed great atrocities in the name of justice. I can only atone with my life. |
- Technicolor Eyes: He has what appear to be platinum-coloured eyes.
- Took a Level in Badass: He now has psychic powers.
- Weapon of Choice: A magnum.
"A boy whose vast intelligence conflicts with a youthful appearance."
A soft-spoken member of Kugar's special ops unit who, despite being a supergenius, is only 16. He is exceptionally good at research, and tends to know everything that's going on.
After Kugar's death, he resolves to join the main characters.
- Big Damn Heroes: At the beginning of phase 7.
- Climax Boss
- Eyes of Gold
- Firing One-Handed: Averted.
- Heel Face Turn
- Insufferable Genius: Averted.
- Jack of All Stats: One that leads towards the magic side of the board, however.
- Nice Hat
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "Your history is coming to an end. Accept it with grace and disappear." Said before the final battle.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Lampshaded often by Celia.
- Shock and Awe: Does not have the corresponding personality, though. Noticing a pattern?
- Sleeves Are for Wimps: Subverted; he does not have the corresponding personality. At all.
- Silver Haired Pretty Boy: Subverted; he does not carry many of the traditional traits this trope implies.
- The Smart Guy: He takes this Up to Eleven, single-handedly figuring out the entire game's plot at one point. After he does so:
Erin: ...Don't die, Jake. |
- The Stoic
- Time Stands Still: His EX ability allows him to freeze time. Which somehow harms enemies.
- Deliberately Monochrome: The background of the battlefield while he performs this spell.
- Weapon of Choice: A Handgun.
- Wise Beyond Their Years
"A girl who holds the fate of the entire world in her hands."
A mysterious girl who is both mute and in possession of a glowing, turquoise horn that emits psychokinetic energy. Has the unique ability to suppress psychokinetic energy.
She is a Human Alien along with Gray and Leon, who came on the same ship as them. She was apparently the key to ending the war on the planet where they came from. If their enemies knew about her, all their plans would be ruined, so she had to be put under a "mindlock", preventing her from communicating in any way and reducing her personality to that of a mindless doll. This is removed at the end of phase 3, and, in fact, she is revealed to be extremely extroverted, fashion-sensitive, and arrogant.
- Action Girl
- Aura Vision: An important plot device; it enables her to see whether or not someone is being Mind Controlled, and who is doing the controlling.
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Break the Haughty: Subverted. After Aila sends her into a nervous breakdown, Erin and Indy cheer her up again so she can defeat Aila. She returns to her normal self almost immediately.
- The Chosen One: She believes herself to be this.
- Frickin' Laser Beams
- Good with Numbers: Case in point.
- Heroic BSOD
- Hot-Blooded
- Human Alien
- Leitmotif
- Living MacGuffin: To a degree. She takes it in stride, though.
- Mysterious Waif
- Nice Hat: Justified; it's to hide her horn.
- Only Mostly Dead: At the end of phase 6.
- Plucky Girl
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "I'm different from before! Things aren't going to go your way this time!" Said before the final battle.
- Psychic Powers: Again, does not have the corresponding personality (she is very intelligent, however).
- Purple Eyes
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Small Name, Big Ego
- Spoiled Brat: She certainly acts like one. Makes more sense once she reveals her real age — she may be extremely intelligent, but still has the social maturity of a six-year-old.
- Squishy Wizard
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Woman in White: Her outfit for the first three phases.
- Younger Than They Look: She claims to be six, despite looking 14 or 15.
"A wanderer who wishes to be free from the shackles of civilization."
A Human Alien from the same world as Leon and Celia. Instead of being captured like they were, he escaped and joined forces with Tinder when his ship was shot down. Despite being a high-ranking officer, he is very aloof, and does not care much for rules or regulations.
Wears an old, tattered gray cape. He claims it has sentimental value that money cannot replace.
- All-Encompassing Mantle / Badass Long Robe
- Big Freaking Gun: Oddly, it appears to require psychic power in order to fire. When he doesn't have enough energy, he simply uses it as a club.
- The Captain: Subverted; he doesn't care much for rules and regulations.
- Casting a Shadow: His secret EX ability is called "Dark Force". And it is horrific.
- Deadpan Snarker: Up to Eleven.
- Human Alien
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "You're too dangerous. By the authority vested in me, I will have you henceforth eliminated." Said before the final battle.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Averted. No one comments on his blood-red eyes.
- The Stoic: Even moreso than Leon.
"Those of us foolish enough to let their emotions control them deserve to fall victims to their delusions." |
- Hypocritical Humor: However, one might question just how stoic he really is, since he snarks at every opportunity and is rather passive-aggressive.
- Stone Wall
- Weapon of Choice: A Big Freaking Gun, which he also uses as a club.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Everyone Else[]
One of the Rebellion generals. Is a friend of Hawk, and, like Galde, goes along with Hawk's Mind Control-induced directions, but increasingly doubts their moral validity, and eventually launches a failed Roaring Rampage of Revenge against Kugar, believing him to be The Man Behind the Man. In general, she seems more concerned about Hawk than Galde, and therefore gets slightly more characterization in the long run.
After the end of the game, becomes a joint ruler of Ceres along with Galde.
- Ascended Extra: Kind of. Though she's still a tertiary character, she does have a larger role in the plot than in the original, and isn't Brainwashed and Crazy the whole time either.
- Action Girl
- Climax Boss
- Early-Bird Cameo: She is first seen in a cutscene towards the end of phase 1. We do not learn her name or her role in the plot until phase 5.
- Knight in Shining Armor
- My Master, Right or Wrong: After Hawk is controlled by Aila.
- Power Floats
- Squishy Wizard: Perhaps the most wizard-like of all the characters. She even refers to her Psychic Powers as "magic".
- Technicolor Eyes: She has green eyes.
- Woman in White
One of the Rebellion generals. Is a friend of Hawk, and, like Silvra, goes along with Hawk's Mind Control-induced directions, but increasingly doubts their moral validity, and eventually launches a failed Roaring Rampage of Revenge against Kugar, believing him to be The Man Behind the Man.
After the end of the game, becomes a joint ruler of Ceres along with Silvra.
- Arm Cannon
- Climax Boss
- Cool Old Guy
- Demoted to Extra: Goes from being the leader of the Rebellion and a Climax Boss on the Imperial route to a tertiary extra in this one. His status also gets demoted from "supreme leader" to "general".
- Eyes of Gold
- Knight in Shining Armor
- Mighty Glacier
- My Master, Right or Wrong: After Hawk is controlled by Aila.
"A blademaster who has detatched herself from the world, consumed by her duty."
Kugar's emotionless personal bodyguard with a Dark and Troubled Past. Oddly, she wields a sword, despite everyone else using guns. (Word of God's explanation for this is simply "Fetish Fuel")
Was actually the childhood friend of Scott and Violet., but grew detached from them over time, since they were assigned to Special Ops, while she became Kugar's personal bodyguard. Also the object of a problematic Love Triangle; Violet loves Scott, Scott loves her, and she cannot love anyone. In the end, she fails to follow Kugar's orders to kill Scott and Violet, and commits suicide as penace.
- Action Girl
- Alas, Poor Villain
- Climax Boss: Twice, even!
- Driven to Suicide
- Emotionless Girl / The Stoic: Definitely takes the cake—she's even more stoic than Gray.
- Not So Stoic: She cracks and breaks down in tears during her death scene.
- Glass Cannon / Fragile Speedster: As a bonus character, even more than Violet. This renders her practically unusable.
- Little Black Dress
- Love Triangle: Scott loves her. Violet loves Scott. She cannot love anyone. This is problematic for all involved.
- Lunacy: No points for guessing that she does not have the corresponding personality.
- Parental Substitute: Kugar.
- Punch Clock Villain
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Averted; no one comments on them.
- Victorious Childhood Friend
- Weapon of Choice: A Cool Sword. In a world with guns.
- Woman in Black
- Zettai Ryouiki
"A martyr whose sacrifices are known only to an enlightened few."
The ruthless tyrant who oppresses the citizens of Ceres and rules with an iron fist. Erin is his daughter.
He is actually nothing but a puppet Mind Controlled by Aila in order to control the populace without exposing herself. Oddly, he seems to be aware of this, if not from the start then definitely by the end of the game. However, due to being under Aila's control for years, he's simply too far gone. Before he rose to power, he actually seemed to be a Lawful Good character and even committed a Heroic Sacrifice to save Erin's life (he actually manifests in the game as an angel).
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: After the game ends, he apparently goes to Heaven; his last line is "The bells of the afterlife are chiming for my arrival."
- Bald of Awesome
- Climax Boss
- Dead All Along
- The Emperor: Subverted; it's just because he's Aila's mindslave.
- Foil: To Tinder.
- Genre Savvy
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall / Lampshade Hanging: During the last phase of the game, he says that it's "the final act" and tells the heroes things like "your story is nearly at an end" and "the curtain is about to fall".
- Even more blatantly; after Tinder shows up, he says "Bravo Tinder, you've done a commendable job of restoring everyone's spirits, like a hero who arrives in a time of crisis."
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall / Lampshade Hanging: During the last phase of the game, he says that it's "the final act" and tells the heroes things like "your story is nearly at an end" and "the curtain is about to fall".
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Just The Emperor
- Large Ham
- Man in White
- Our Angels Are Different
- Shirtless Scene: When he transforms into an angel.
- Squishy Wizard: As a bonus character.
- Tragic Villain
- Weapon of Choice: A Simple Staff. No, really.
"A wearied gunsmith whose casual nature conceals years of toil."
A mysterious, scarred gunsmith who is oddly charitable towards Leon and his friends. He and his assistants (Jeebes and Reeves) sell them valuable equipment when they need it most, but he himself is an enigma who refuses to talk about his past.
In truth, he is a childhood friend of Kugar who somehow learned of Aila's Mind Control plot. He tried to kill Kugar pre-emptively, but Erin pulled a Go Through Me and he had to shoot her instead. He later joined up with Gray and tried to form a resistance against Aila, eventually joining up with the rest of the gang as well.
- Actual Pacifist: Justifed. Shooting Erin traumatized him so much that now he doesn't want to even hold a gun.
- Bald of Awesome
- Big Damn Heroes: At the end of phase 6.
- Big Good
- Bonus Boss: He fights in the final round of the street tournament along with Jeebes and Reeves.
- Foil: To Kugar.
- Leitmotif
- Stone Wall: As a bonus character.
"A precarious youth with an affinity for the mechanical arts."
One of Tinder's assistants and Jeebes' twin brother. He's the quieter and smarter of the two.
- Accidental Pervert: Remember, when you are testing heroes by sending them to tournament to claim the prize for you, check out if this prize is not a skirt.
- Ascended Extra
- Badass Longcoat
- Big Damn Heroes: At the end of phase 6.
- Bonus Boss: He fights in the final round of the street tournament along with Jeebes and Tinder.
- The Medic: As a bonus character.
- Polar Opposite Twins: Him and Jeebes.
- Theme Twin Naming
- Twin Telepathy: He and Jeebes claim this.
"A vivacious youth with an affinity for the destruction arts."
One of Tinder's assistants and Reeves' twin brother. Is rather dumb compared to his brother.
- Ascended Extra
- Badass Longcoat
- Big Damn Heroes: At the end of phase 6.
- Bonus Boss: He fights in the final round of the street tournament along with Reeves and Tinder.
- Dumb Blonde: A rare male variant.
- Dumb Muscle: As a bonus character. He has very high health and attack, but low MND.
- Gatling Good
- Polar Opposite Twins: Him and Reeves.
- Ray Gun
- Theme Twin Naming
- Twin Telepathy: He and Reeves claim this.
Spoiler Warning[]
"An ancient entity who has seen the worst of human nature."
The Man Behind the Man who orchestrated the entire game's plot from behind the scenes. She is a variant, an entity made up entirely of psychokinesis. This gives her godlike power compared to humans, but relegates her to areas thick with psychokinesis, similarly to how humans need air (this is why she needs to execute her plans indirectly through Mind Control). Celia's ability to suppress psychokinetic energy is her Archilles Heel, for obvious reasons.
Her master plan is to cause a war between the Rebellion and Kugar's empire, which has the dual purpose of slowing down exploration, therefore keeping herself hidden, and cause the energy and willpower of humans to blossom due to the pressures of strife. She then plans to harvest this energy over many years in order to create a portable, compressed spaceship of psychokinetic energy that she can use to travel across the stars. What she plans to do after that is never explained.
- The Chessmaster
- Curtains Match the Window
- Emotionless Girl
- Energy Being
- Leitmotif
- Lightning Bruiser / Game Breaker: As a bonus character. She literally has the best stat growth in the game, in all stats.
- Load-Bearing Boss
- The Man Behind the Man
- Mind Control / People Puppets
- Non-Elemental
- Power Floats
- Power Glows: She always has a glowy aura around her.
- Woman in White
- You Gotta Have Neon Cyan Hair