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In the parlance of Alternate History Fandom a "Screw" is where a single nation, culture, political theory, or philosophy is singled out and disadvantaged, typically at the advantage of its contemporaries. Perhaps the Spanish Empire has not just lost the Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico to the United States but they also lost the Canaries and the Western Sahara! Maybe Mexico doesn't lose just the Southwest but everything north of Mexico City. Or perhaps the Romans fall in both East and West around the same time!

There is still a consensus on what constitutes a Screw. Is a Lesser America timeline where the Confederates end up winning the Civil War a Screw, or would America have to be be contained at the Appalachians? But if America consists of a small portion of what it is, the timeline probably is an Alternate History Screw.

Compare and contrast with Alternate History Wank, the inversion of this trope.

Examples of Alternate History Screw include:
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