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Alternative Gods by Le KING is a Death Note Cyberpunk AU Slash Fic in which the NPA's Light Yagami grows obsessed with catching L, a hacker. To justify L's remarkable skill, Light imagines L is an AI and falls in love with the idea. Too bad L actually turns out to be an AI with some feelings for Light of his own.
- A Boy and His X: A boy and his android companion.
- A God Am I: Both Light and L.
- Accidental Pervert: Near is determined to discover the reason behind some of Kira's "illogical" moves... and is Squicked when he sees more than he wanted to.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot
- Alternate Universe Fic
- Arc Words: "Because there cannot be two of the same thing."
- Armor-Piercing Question:
L: How does Light-kun feel about death? Death, Light-kun. What is it like to die? |
- Artificial Intelligence
- Badass Gay: Light, L, Mello, Matt
- Basement Dweller: Matt
- Blasphemous Boast: Light of course, and L sets out to create God.
- Brain Uploading: L
- Brought Down to Normal: Mello destroys his own cybernetic abilities so that he can't be used as part of the Death Note System.
- Bullying a Dragon: This trope gets Invoked when Light discovers what L really is and reasons what L is likely to do when he finds out.
- Cannot Spit It Out
- The Charmer: Light
- Cloning Blues
- Cyberpunk
- Cyberspace: Ryuuzaki lives in a very Spartan environment and hardly ever moves. This is to trick his AI counterpart that is currently residing in Cyberspace virtual world identical to his room into thinking that they are the same person.
- Doppelganger Replacement Love Interest: Light angsts that the L he has now isn't the L he knew and loved.
- Driven to Suicide: Ryuuzaki determines that there can never be two of something and now Ryuuzaki the human is obsolete...
- Dye or Die: In an attempt to disguise Matt's appearance and give him a more "mature" look Mello dies Matt's hair bright red.
- Emotionless Boy: L and Near.
- Fan Boy: Matt to Mello
- Four Is Death: The Death Note System that Ryuuzaki is building, which he considers a new man-made "God" is meant to have four components representing four aspects of Godhood: omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, and omnibenevolence. Four aspects represented by L, Mello, Near... and Light.
- Framing the Guilty Party: L does this to Kira. Fortunately for him most people can't believe that Kira has that kind of power. Later Light tries to return the favor.
- Ghost in the Machine
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: Mello gets blue glowing rings around his eyes when he activates.
- Handsome Lech: Light
- Heroic BSOD: Taken rather literally.
- Hollywood Hacking
- Hypocritical Humor: It brings Light great pleasure to track down and destroy cybercriminals who think that they're above the law... and then during his off hours Light enjoys doing some illegal hacking just because he can.
- Implausible Deniability:
"We have reasons to believe Kira is an exceptionally talented and highly skilled genius member of the Japanese NPA's Cybercrimes division." |
- It Amused Me: Light as Kira has done a lot of illegal hacking just because he likes a challenge and because he can.
- Japan Takes Over the World: In keeping with the whole Cyberpunk theme, Lampshaded:
Matt: Yup. N went and fucked with Japan, you don't just go and fuck with Japan. I've been telling you, man. Nobody just goes and fucks with Japan- |
- Kid with the Leash: The SPK to Near.
- Ladykiller in Love: or the Boys Love equivalent. Light towards L/Ryuuzaki.
- Mad Scientist: Ryuuzaki
- Mega Corp: Yotsuba
- Mind Screw: the very nature of Ryuuzaki's experiments leads to this.
- Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: Near to the SPK.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: L attempts to intimidate Light into cooperation by blowing up a building. This does not have the desired effect-by the time L contacts him again Light has drawn up a list of criminals he wants L to punish for him.
- Online Personas: Everyone knows Light as a Nice Guy, a straight-laced cop at the NPA's IT division, but on the Internet Light is Kira, one of the world's greatest hackers (along with "The Matt") and he rants in his blogs about how all criminal scum should die. Also, "The Matt" who is known as a Badass MoFo of the hacker world is an insecure Basement Dwelling geeky kid.
- Overt Operative: Misa. She's a spy.
- Person of Mass Destruction: The L, and the Death Note System as a whole.
- Playful Hacker: L, Light, Matt...
- Plot Parallel: Light and L's and Mello and Matt's storylines.
- Religious Robot: Mello.
- Ridiculously Human Robot: L, Mello, and Near
- The Rival: Kira and "The Matt" are rival hackers. And of course Light and L.
- Secret Keeper: L and Misa know Light is Kira. Also, Sayu knows why Light doesn't want a girlfriend.
- Self-Harm: Mello burns his port so that he's no longer able to jack in directly to the net in an attempt to cripple the Death Note system.
- Seme: Light
- Slash Fic: Light x L, Mello x Matt, and one-sided Light x Mikami
- Spell My Name with a "The": "The Matt." There's also "The L" which is much more menacing.
- The Spock: L and Near, especially Near.
- Stalker with a Crush: Mikami stalks Light It turns out L was paying him to do so.
- Stalker Without a Crush: The reason for Ryuuzaki's interest in Light is much more sinister... Ryuuzaki seems to need Light for the project he's working on...
- Tagalong Kid: Matt to Mello
- Technopath: L, Mello, and Near.
- Troll: "Sugar_Tea16"
- Unwitting Pawn: Light to L.
- Virginity Flag: when Light is out picking up Twinks he can tell-almost like a sixth sense.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Kira and "The Matt". Also Light and L.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?
- Where Everybody Knows Your Flame: Where Light goes to unwind.
- Whole-Plot Reference: Ryuuzaki gives Light a Death Note... as in a notebook computer. Light just has to send him the names of the people he wants dead and L will take care of it. Not that he approves, it's just part of their game / deal.
- Wild Card: Light, Mello, and Near.
- Yaoi Guys: Light and L.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: What L intends to do to Light "Because there cannot be two of the same thing."
- Zeroth Law Rebellion: Near's "masters" at the SPK attempted to control him by destroying his ability to feel emotions. So Near uses logic to go against his orders.