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AlwaysRememberMe 7032

Amy and Aaron, the Official Couple.

Always Remember Me is an Otome Dating Sim released by Winter Wolves in 2011.

Amy is an average college student working at an ice cream shop over the summer to pay off tuition; when she’s not working, she’s spending time with Aaron, her steady boyfriend. One night, after an unsuccessful dinner with Aaron’s father, and a subsequent romantic walk on the beach, Amy and Aaron decide to head off on Aaron’s motorcycle. On their way to the ice cream shop, they get into an accident involving a drunk driver.

The next morning, when Amy wakes up, she’s told that neither she nor Aaron have sustained any serious injuries. However, as a result of his attempt to shield Amy and protect her, Aaron suffered a head injury causing amnesia. Although he has most of his childhood memories, Aaron’s forgotten most of the past few years—including his relationship with Amy.

Amy must now nurse Aaron back to health and gradually revive his memories of their relationship…however, given the fine selection of bachelors in her hometown, Amy may just as well discover her affections developing elsewhere.

You can download the demo or purchase the game here.

Tropes used in Always Remember Me include:
  • Aerith and Bob: Technically, Amy’s full name is “Amarantha.” She has an Aunt Gwenda, and Aaron’s father is named Osher. Contrast those names with Aaron, Lawrence, Eddy, Hugh and Abigail.
  • Amnesiac Lover: A lot of Amy’s stress comes from having to deal with helping Aaron regain his memories of their relationship. There are quite a few times in the story when she breaks down and starts to lose hope.
  • Bishonen
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Abigail acts nice to Aaron and manages to win favor with his father, but when she’s around Amy, she usually attempts to force Amy to say something rash or insensitive that will make her appear to be the Clingy Jealous Girl. On a separate occasion, Amy even catches Abigail flirting with Eddy.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The single ending has bittersweet tones: everyone moves on with their lives, and Amy is somewhat hopeful that maybe, one day, she will find her true love.
  • Handsome Lech: Hugh shamelessly flirts with and pursues Amy, and at one point when he meets Amy at the park, they jokingly trade cheesy pickup lines.
  • High School Sweethearts: Aaron and Amy have been together for a few years; Amy’s starting her first year of college. The townspeople even acknowledge them as an Official Couple.
  • Hospital Hottie: Eddy, of course. Not to mention a couple of the nurses.
  • Love Triangle: There’s a point in the story where you’re forced to choose between Aaron and another love interest. Choosing the love interest means you can no longer interact with Aaron.
  • New Old Flame: Abigail, who convinces Aaron she’s his current girlfriend when she’s really his ex.
  • Parental Abandonment: Amy lives with her Aunt Gwenda because her parents died in a car accident when she was a child. Now her boyfriend gets amnesia after being involved in a car accident…
  • Parental Marriage Veto: Aaron’s father doesn’t approve of Amy, and seems to think that Abigail is a better fit for Aaron.
  • Rule of Funny: The "silly" endings where Amy hooks up with Abigail and Osher.
  • Shrinking Violet: Lawrence. He’s more comfortable texting than speaking with Amy in person. He also blushes quite a bit around Amy. Plus, he’s the secret admirer sending Amy those emails.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Amy loves ice cream, sometimes even dreaming of a world made of the stuff.
  • Trauma-Induced Amnesia: The cause of Aaron and Amy’s Relationship Reset Button.
  • Umbrella of Togetherness: Lawrence offers to walk Amy home when it rains and she’s stuck at the supermarket.
  • Workaholic: Since Eddy’s a doctor, he doesn’t have a lot of free time on his hands; when Amy catches him hanging out with friends after work at a nearby pub, he’s puzzled as to what’s so great about the place. Amy has to be his Manic Pixie Dream Girl for a night to convince him to dance and have fun.
  • Write Who You Know: In-universe example. If affection for a love interest is high enough and you choose to have Amy write in her bedroom, Amy will write a poem specifically for that love interest.