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Amanda Knox: Murder On Trial In Italy is a 2011 Lifetime Original Movie dealing with the case of Amanda Knox, one of three people tried and convicted in Italy for the murder of fellow exchange student Meredith Kercher in the town of Perugia. The film stars Hayden Panettiere as Miss Knox, Marcia Gay Harden as her mother and Amanda Fernando Stevens as Miss Kercher.

The film has been criticised by people on the sides of both Knox and Kercher, with Knox's lawyers trying (and failing) to keep the film from airing on Lifetime and attempting to block its airing on Italian television, and Kercher's parents expressing distress over the film's portrayal of their daughter's murder; those involved with the movie have stated a desire to present the story as impartially as possible, and indeed some criticised Panettiere's performance for not making Knox crystal clear one way or the other. (On the other hand, the movie has gotten several good reviews for its acting — business as usual for Panettiere and Harden, but somewhat unusual for a Lifetime Movie of the Week.)

The movie has since been amended to note Amanda Knox's and Raffaele Sollecito's acquittal on appeal on October 4, 2011. (Rudy Guede, also found guilty, remains in prison.)

Tropes used in Amanda Knox: Murder On Trial in Italy include: