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Amar akbar anthony

Your favourite 70s Bollywood actors in action. I shit you not.

Is there seriously no description of this Anvilicious film? Sweet Jesus... Hey Ram... Astaghfirullah-hal'azim....

This 1977 movie directed by Manmohan Desai is starred by Amitabh Bachchan, Vinod Khanna and Rishi Kapoor.

A family gets separated. Three brothers are brought up by three different families. The oldest is Amar who grows up to be a Hindu police officer. The second brother is Akbar who raised as a Muslim by his tailor dad. The third brother is a ruffian skirting around the law, a Catholic named Anthony Gonsalves. The boys meet again and their lives become entangled in an incredible twist of unlikely coincidences and furious action sequences interspersed with songs. Their mother is separated from them as well and is blind. She recovers her sight nearer the ending, the criminal mob boss who unwittingly caused all the commotion is punished, and the family is at last re-united.

It was the biggest blockbuster of 1977 and has also won several Filmfare awards.

Serious to God, an anvilicious number of tropes await.

Tropes used in Amar Akbar Anthony include:

  • Deus Ex Machina: Their blind mother gets her eyesight back when she visits a temple of the Hindu/Sufi Saint Shirdi Sai Baba. And the dialogue of the song goes, "Give us light!". I kid you not.
  • Ear Worm: Almost every single song. Cue "Parda Hai Parda".
  • Hourglass Plot: the father of the protagonists, after being humilliated by his criminal employer, gets ahold of a luggage filled of gold buillons from his former boss, which he uses to create an criminal empire himself. Later, the former criminal boss, now working under his former employee and receiving a fair share of humiliation himself, gets ahold of another luggage filled with gold, from his actual boss, which he uses to rebuild his former criminal empire.
  • Meadow Run: across the dance floor during "My Name Is Anthony Gonsalves"
  • Mirror Monologue: The humorous scene after Anthony gets beat up. He berates himself in the mirror using the third person. Then he proceeds to apply first-aid to his mirror self, which results in a patch of band-aid sticking to the mirror.
  • Narm Charm: Everything in this movie without exception.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Everybody who has an alive parent (or parental figure) in the film.