American Elf is a daily Slice of Life Web Comic created by James Kochalka, it follows his eponymous character's daily interaction with his family (wife Amy, sons Eli and Oliver and very old cat Spandy) and the outside world. Read it here.
Tropes used in American Elf include:
- Alt Text
- Art Evolution
- The Danza: Kochalka uses his own name as well as those and his family members.
- Darker and Edgier: Sometimes.
- Faceless Masses
- Hollywood New England: Set in Burlington, Vermont.
- Long Runners: Since 1998.
- Our Elves Are Different: The main character is an "elf" only in how he's drawn, his wife is human and his sons not only are human, but the most realistically drawn characters in the whole series.
- Shown Their Work: Almost every place, music venue or institution he mentions really exists.
- The Cat Came Back: Inverted - Spandy's the only character other than the Author Avatar who's been there since the beginning.