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It is the year 1998. America is broke. They ran out of fuel and now everyone is living in their non-running cars. Everyone travels by foot, skate, or by bike. The president had to resort to selling the White House and moving into a sublet condo named the Western White House. Not only that, but America is on the verge of foreclosure unless the country could raise 400 billion dollars in 30 days. Their solution? To have a non-stop telethon or an Americathon.

Tropes used in Americathon include:
  • Our Presidents Are Different: Chet Roosevelt is President Personable to an annoying degree. In his speech, he finishes by saying to the people, "This is the President and I love you," and when he gets sworn in, he hugs the Justice of the Peace.
  • Telethon: Or an Americathon.
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