
Tear Jerkers in Amoridere's works include:

  • Her story Toki's Firefly.
  • The Reality Subtext behind Broken Gate and its Downer Ending. Thinking about how someone's family could treat them that way makes the aforementioned ending worse.
  • Her poem titled "I'm Sorry". Just ouch
  • On a meta level, her maternal grandmother passing away (and the works after that) and, recently, the fact that her friend passed away.
  • Her poem about her passed on dog, Brownie.
  • Her fanfic, Goodbye Chen.
  • The poem What He Couldn't Save, which concerns a father trying to cure his daughter's illness and him wanting to make amends but, alas, as the title would suggest, he's too late.
  • Similarly, the poem Beishang, where, like the previous example, the father is too late to make amends and, to make it worse, the titular couldn't express how she felt.
  • The poem A Sadistic Choice is this of a subtle nature.
  • The poem $900 ends on a very sad note, as the subject, too poor to afford an ambulance trip (and the resulting debt from her inability to pay), dies despite the efforts.

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