This game puts the player in the shoes of student Kouta Koikawa, who sits in front of the class not only to avoid the ruckus of his classmates, but also to better ogle his history teacher, the titular Professor Chieri Hase. He's still feeling guilty about having having a crush on his gorgeous professor, and his pent-up feelings are causing his studies to suffer. This does not escape the notice of Chieri-sensei, and she approaches him, telling him that she'll help in any way she can. It also just happens that Kouta resembles a guy who was once close to Chieri-sensei...
Tropes used in Amorous Professor Cherry include:
- Bi the Way — Mamiko seems to have no problem with being bisexual.
- Bromantic Foil — Yoda. No, not that Yoda, sadly.
- Christmas Cake — both Professors Hase and Kanai are in their mid-twenties.
- Cake Eater — Kouta starts out like this, and can end up the same depending on the player's choices in the game.
- Cute Clumsy Girl — Chieri again.
- Erotic Dream — Kouta has one in the middle of class. No prizes for guessing who stars in it.
- Gag Boobs — Chieri and Mamiko Kanai.
- Hot Teacher — Both Chieri and Mamiko.
- Hot For Student — Chieri-sensei and her colleague, math teacher Mamiko Kanai, who actually gives students "special lessons."
- Meganekko — Chieri-sensei
- Moe — Chieri again..
- Only Six Faces — Endemic across all Zyx developed games, but especially jarring here since Yoda has the same face as the females, and he's not just a bit character.
- Pair the Spares — Yoda and Kiyoka attend Kouta and Chieri's wedding together in Chieri's best ending.
- Raging Stiffie — Kouta gets these frequently during class, until Chieri decides that she needs to help rid him of such distractions.
- Tsundere — Kouta's classmate Kiyoka Yorii. Might also count as a Clingy Jealous Girl.