A relatively new[when?] webcomic hosted by Comic Fury.
It is (at first) based upon the story of Brad Bunstead, a 14-year-old American gamer who moved to Japan. The comic follows his exploits.
The game within the comic takes its cues from the Tales series, Final Fantasy, and othersuch titles from Japan.
The plot of this videogame is supposedly being moved by the creator of the comic, who serves as the player of the game as well. It has been decided that there are to be an as of yet undetermined number of arcs in the series. The first is the current arc, UNENDING FANTASY. The names of the arcs remain secretive, but it has also been decided that they will focus on all the members of Brad's party in groups of 1-3 people at a time.
Update Schedule: Used to update every other Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, with additional updates on the Thursday and Tuesday (consecutively) after. The last two additional updates (hell, updates IN GENERAL) have become a bit iffy. Currently, it updates every other Sunday.
The website can be found here the forum can be found here.
Main Characters[]
- Chaste Hero
- Composite Character: Take Cloud Strife, Bartz, Zidane, and just about every Shonen hero and cram them together, and you've got this guy.
- Ditto Fighter
- Idiot Hero
- Super-Powered Evil Side
- Rummage Sale Reject
Brad Bunstead[]
- Ascended Fanboy: Brad is supposedly a giant fan of Bleach, and almost immediately he becomes a Soul Reaper.
- Author Avatar: The former YouTube page avatar of the artist brought to life. Or something.
- Decoy Protagonist For the arc at hand, Brad, while being the titular character of the comic, is not the real focus of the story.
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Cuteness Proximity: Happens when she sees Botamon.
- Healing Hands: Monde's ability, in stark contrast to her violent personality.
- Nature Spirit
- The Medic
- Cosplay: "Dammit, I'm not a Cosplayer!"
- Fragile Speedster
- Hero Worshipper: Dresses up like Sonic for this reason.
- All Powerful Bystander: Does nothing to help when something bad happens.
- Author Avatar
- Animated Actors: Megaman, Roll, and Tron are all actors that PLAY their characters. They still wear the costumes, for some reason.
- Art Evolution: Compare strip 15 to strip 115
- Catgirl: Amy.
- Cut and Paste Comic: So much. So badly.
- Depraved Homosexual: "Queenula".
- Everyone Calls Him Artist.
- Expy: Just about everyone's an expy here. Amy and Sonic are obvious, Exrael's just a bunch of heroes smashed together, Monde is from Fantasia, and Brad's just an expy of the author himself with some Ichigo Kurosaki thrown in. Oh, and then there's Agumon.
- Fan Service: The village of Neko Paradise is just one giant joke about it.
- Fastball Special: Sonic and Amy use this one while trying to get into Queenula's mansion.
- Five-Man Band
- The Hero: Exrael
- The Lancer: Brad/Monde
- The Smart Guy: Lenny
- The Big Guy: Agumon
- The Chick: Monde
- Giant Enemy Crab
- The Grand List of Console Role Playing Game Cliches: Quickly attemping to go down through most of them.
- Heroic BSOD: When the masked man showed up, Rae was quite startled
- Hidden Elf Village: Neko Paradise. But with Cat Girls instead of elves.
- Informed Ability: Look at the profiles. Read them here or on the site. Maybe one or two of their traits have appeared in the comic, ONCE, but for obvious reasons, the comic hasn't gotten around to actually writing about those traits.
- Interactive Narrator
- Kid Heroes
- Nerd Glasses: Given to both Brad and the Artist.
- Otaku: Big time.
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Planet Eris: The world is made up of quite a few myths, mixed in with a good blend of cartoons. Oh, but videogames are still fake. For the most part.
- Retcon: The first chapter, more or less. In addition, the original title of the arc, "Unlimited Fantasy". It was changed because of the similarity in name to another slightly better known title.
- This isn't so much an all encompassing label for this comic as a sort of guideline. -Artist
- Series Hiatus: Again. Really, it's getting pretty bad at this point.
- Although the creator has been good enough to start backing up his files. I mean, it'd take some kind of genius to come up with that after only 2 or 3 computer failures.
- Shameless Self Promoter: The Artist would like you to read this after going over this entry. Please?
- Tsundere- Monde, Roll.
- Two Gamers on a Couch: While the main plot revolves around RPG elements, Artist and Quentin's exploits are examples of this.
- The Worf Effect: When the Masked Man first shows up, he immediately OneHitKills Brad. Not deadly, of course.
- Write Who You Know