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  • Anvilicious: While the overall reception of the game is positive, there are people who found the anti-sexist themes to be excessively insistent and melodramatic. There are also people who agree with this criticism, but think that Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped.
  • Moral Event Horizon: The Kim family crosses it when they cut Hyun-ae's tongue so that she can't backtalk a man ever again.
    • Of course, so far as *Mute is concerned *Hyun-ae crossed it when she murdered the entire ship. Only the revelation of Hyun-ae's mutilation makes her reconsider.
  • Romantic Plot Tumor: *Hyun-ae/*Mute and the PC can definitely feel like this. The Prostitute's story felt a little tacked on as well.
  • The Woobie: The Pale Bride a.k.a. *Hyun-ae. She's an Ill Girl who is forcibly pulled out of cryosleep to be married to the ship's "emperor" in a gambit to earn favor from him. She has been literally pulled out of a society in which she is treated like a person and forcibly placed in an archaic world where she's just a thing, a subhuman being that has no worth as anything but a baby factory and a bargaining chip, and is despised for not accepting it. Not feeling sorry for her is inexcusable. Even *Mute, who despises her, is appalled when she learns about the hell she has been through.