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Playable Characters[]
Jack Cayman[]
"Time to get to work..." |
-- Voice actors: Joji Nakata (JP) Steve Blum (EN) |
![Jack Cayman Anarchy portrait 188](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/1/12/Jack_Cayman_Anarchy_portrait_188.png/revision/latest?cb=20240926235841)
The protagonist from MadWorld. Comes back much bulkier than in his first game, with pretty new chains adorning his getup, a cool new right arm with TWO chainsaws, and *gasp* in color!! One of the two protagonists in Story Mode.
- All Bikers Are Hells Angels: Even more apparent this time around.
- Artificial Limbs: His famous chainsaw-equipped right arm.
- Chained by Fashion
- Cyborg: Thanks to his right arm.
- Jack of All Stats
- Sleeves Are for Wimps: Had small ones in MadWorld, but here it looks like they were ripped out.
- Weapon of Choice: GATOR TOOTH: The only thing better than a chainsaw. Two Chainsaws.
- Chainsaw Good
- Infinity+1 Sword: In the original MadWorld, the double-chainsaw (before being officially named Gator Tooth) was a special arm gained in a New Game+.
- Power Fist: When not used as a chainsaw.
Leonhardt Victorion, AKA Leo[]
"Get outta my way." |
-- Voice actors: Hiroki Tochi (JP) |
![Leo portrait 7987](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/b/b7/Leo_portrait_7987.png/revision/latest?cb=20240927060745)
A minor character from MadWorld who turned out to be The Man Behind the Man and the real Big Bad of the game. Wields "Positron Blades" built into his arms and legs. The other of the two protagonists in Story Mode.
- Cool Bike: To contrast Jack's theme, Leo is themed on futuristic concept bikes.
- Cyborg
- Electronic Eyes
- Identical Stranger: Evidently is not the same Leo from MadWorld and simply someone else with the same first name and a similar appearance.
- Sequel Reset: Leo has a new full name this time around.
- We Can Rebuild Him: He returns as a cyborg from getting torso-ganked by Jack at the end of MadWorld, and he's just about pissed.
- Weapon of Choice: POSITRON BLADE: Positively charged to ruin your day.
- Artificial Limbs: All four of them.
- Laser Blades
The Blacker Baron[]
"Aw, baby... It's SHOWTIME!!" |
-- Voice actors: Wataru Takagi (JP) Arif S. Kinchen (EN) |
![Blacker Baron portrait 3321](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/b/b8/Blacker_Baron_portrait_3321.png/revision/latest?cb=20240925044925)
That's right, pimps, playas and pain purveyors, the Black Baron (stop starin') from MadWorld is back too! The reason for the name change still isn't clear. Much bulkier than his MadWorld counterpart, like Jack, and with brand new Super Sexy Fists of Fire! Keep your pimp hand strong!
- Badass Longcoat
- Bare Fisted Pimp
- Cyborg
- Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry
- Fur and Loathing
- Gold Makes Everything Shiny
- Gold Tooth: In MadWorld, The Black Baron's presumably gold (the game is in black and white) teeth spell out "DEATHWATCH". By the time this is first noticed, they are soon to be punched out of his mouth If you do well enough in the boss battle. In Anarchy Reigns, his teeth now say "Fuck You!".
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Sup Pierce!
- Legacy Character: He's possibly a copycat of Madworld's Black Baron. Various stats seem different and even a new voice actor points to this.
- Large Ham
- Leitmotif: The Days Of Old, a snazzy number that screams Baron.
- Making a Spectacle of Yourself: Come on, gold-and-silver frames with pink glasses!
- The Other Darrin: Arif S. Kinchen takes over MadWorld's Reno Wilson.
- Pimp Duds
- Sequel Reset: Confirmed in a developer blog to be the same guy. How he keeps living is still not known.
- Shoryuken, and he crashes down as a combo to this
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Weapon of Choice: SUPER SEXY FISTS OF FIRE: Keep your pimp hand strong and your gear fresh to death.
- Animal Motifs: Eagles. On fire.
- Extremity Extremist: Punches and grapples only.
- Kill It with Fire
- Tricked-Out Gloves
"Uhuh! Ahahahaha!" |
-- Voice actors: Mari Malta (JP) |
![Mathilda portrait 7245](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/3/33/Mathilda_portrait_7245.png/revision/latest?cb=20240927101221)
Black Baron's assistant from MadWorld. You may remember her as the woman who would show you how to play the Bloodbath Challenges, using the Baron himself to exemplify. Her appearence in this game reveals she has purple hair, and nearly all of her getup, up to and including her spiked club, is also purple to match.
- Animal Motifs: When not using the IRON MAIDEN, it flops around like a cat's tail
- Ascended Extra: Going from minor recurring NPC to playable character, she certainly qualifies.
- Combat Stilettos
- Cyborg: Recent footage has shown her legs are mechanic. It's likely that her arms are too.
- Glacier Waif
- Muscles Are Meaningless: Just watch in disbelief as she effortlessly swings huge guys such as Jack around like they're made of styrofoam.
- Purple Is Powerful
- Suddenly Voiced: Subverted. While she does have a voice actor, she remains true to Madworld and has no actual lines. She just giggles.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
- Weapon of Choice: IRON MAIDEN: Never let the crazy outweigh the hot (Alternately: Words are very unnecessary...they can only do harm.)
- Carry a Big Stick/Whip Sword: The official site claims it's a whip that can transform into a club. It's default form is a belt that hangs from her waist.
Big Bull[]
"Nailed ya!" |
-- Voice actors: Kenichiro Matsuda (JP) |
![Big Bull portrait 4254](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/7/78/Big_Bull_portrait_4254.png/revision/latest?cb=20240925041036)
A huge, green cyborg with a white bull mask and a massive, jet-propelled hammer. Might be the Big Bull Crocker enemy from MadWorld, or be related to it in some way.
- Animal Motifs: Guess.
- Butt Bull: When Nikolai's light goes off, Big Bull thinks he kill him. Cue a grab from the Badass Bookworm and Nikolai resumes his reading while Big Bull is a lightbulb.
- Cyborg
- Man in the Machine: The official site claims his brain is the only organic tissue he has left.
- Mighty Glacier: He can throw two characters at once.
- Won't Work On Me: Some of his attacks appear to have super armor.
- Weapon of Choice: JET HAMMER: You're gonna get nailed.
- Drop the Hammer: Although when not in use the head is actually Big Bull's...
- Jet Pack: Which is used to propel him forward rather than fly though the air.
-- Voice actors: Kazuhiro Nakaya (JP) |
![Zero portrait 9804](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/d/d9/Zero_portrait_9804.png/revision/latest?cb=20240929012954)
A cyborg ninja with a fondness for his katanas. Totally not inspired by Raiden. No sir. No way. Becomes ionic thanks to Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, though...
- Diagonal Cut: Finishes the big mooks in such away, once you hear the click.
- Gratuitous Japanese: Spoken once in his trailer.
- My Hero Zero
- Powered Armor: The official website states him to be human, as opposed to cyborg, so his robotic look is most likely this.
- Spinning Piledriver: His back grab is an Izuna drop.
- Weapon of Choice: ONIMARU & JYUZUMARU: A ninja's best friends.
Sasha Ivanoff[]
"So disappointing..." |
-- Voice actors: Yuu Asakawa (JP) Rose McGowan (EN) |
![Sasha portrait 6279](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/b/be/Sasha_portrait_6279.png/revision/latest?cb=20240928050441)
Reportedly "an ice queen", who, predictably, uses her ice powers to freeze her enemies and create ice blades.
- An Ice Person
- Combos: more than the average character.
- Expy: Of Bayonetta, but with ice themed powers instead of hair themed powers.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: A shame that she doesn't have a machine-gun for a leg...
- Weapon of Choice: SNOW SPIKES: The Ice Queen's deadliest weapon.
- Kill It with Ice
- Nanomachines: The source of her ice powers, equipped in her suit.
Nikolai Dmitri Bulygin[]
"You will die." |
-- Voice actors: Ryuzaburou Otomo (JP) |
![Nikolai portrait 2469](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/2/2d/Nikolai_portrait_2469.png/revision/latest?cb=20240927153237)
A cyborg with a fondness for books and frying people to death with his "Tesla Blitz".
- Badass Bookworm
- Cyborg
- Psycho Electro
- Weapon of Choice: TESLA BLITZ: Get shocked in this battle of the currents!
- Artificial Limbs: Both of his arms.
- Shock and Awe
"I am invincible!" |
-- Voice actors: Takumi Yamazaki (JP) |
![Durga portrait 8703](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/0/09/Durga_portrait_8703.png/revision/latest?cb=20200918214358)
A cyborg with a fondness for big cats and bigger guns. Also, has Wolverine hair.
- Animal Motifs: Tigers.
- Cyborg
- Bilingual Bonus: "Durga" is Bengali for "the Invincible." It's also one of the names of a goddess who rides a tiger.
- Stealth Pun: "I am Durga!/Invicible!
- Electronic Right Eye
- Panthera Awesome
- Weapon of Choice: REVOLVER CANNON: Tigers never leave their prey alive!
- Artificial Limbs: His right arm reloader, revolver-equipped right leg, and tiger tail.
- Extremity Extremist: He fights exclusively with kicks, only using his mechanical right arm to reload the giant revolver built into his leg.
- Leg Cannon
- Revolvers Are Just Better
"All that wasted energy!" |
![Garuda portrait 8015](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/0/07/Garuda_portrait_8015.png/revision/latest?cb=20240926161404)
Not a cyborg with a fondness for anything in particular. No, this is a transforming robot with a fondness for its drills.
- Expy: If you look closely you can see similarities with Madworld boss Baron Von Twirlenkiller.
- Not Quite Flight: For a jet transformer, he doesn't get particularly high off the ground in either mode.
- Transforming Mecha: A human-sized example. Other team members can hitch a ride by hopping on jet Garuda.
- Weapon of Choice: TORNADO DRILL: Hide your wife, hide your husband, they are drillin' everybody out here!
Edgar Oinkie[]
"Ham it up!" |
-- Voice actors: Taichi Setogawa (JP) |
![Oinkie portrait 8016](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/b/bf/Oinkie_portrait_8016.png/revision/latest?cb=20240927164402)
An obese guy with a high-pitched voice and a pig-nosed mask. Uses some kind of Super Serum to transform into some kind of lizard-man.
- Acrofatic
- Animal Motifs: His name and mask evoke pigs, but he transforms into a lizard-man. Go figure.
- Captain Ersatz: Basically, what if Bane transformed into the Lizard and was fat.
- Expy: On that note, outside of a different Animal Motif and the whole "Juice" thing, he has a lot in common with Yee Fung from MadWorld, from his rotundity to his agile fighting style to his comically high voice.
- Fat Bastard
- Large Ham
- Pungeon Master: Has a fondness for pig puns.
- Spin Attack: Has Yee Fung's rolling spin-dash attack.
- Vertical Cut: He finishes Giant Mooks by karate chopping them in half.
- Weapon of Choice: THE JUICE: Creating extra bonds to make your arms strong.
"Come on!" |
-- Voice actors: Miyuki Sawashiro (JP) |
![Rinrin portrait 4988](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/3/32/Rinrin_portrait_4988.png/revision/latest?cb=20240928005637)
Returning from Madworld (even though she was shown being eaten to death by an animatronic sumo wrestler), Rinrin and her assassin sisters make the roster. She, like in the last game, fights with bladed fans, this time on fire.
- Dragon Lady: Notably less fanservicey compared to the last game.
- Horned Hairdo
- Ki Attacks
- Nanomachines
- Tattooed Assassin: She has a dragon on one of her legs, while her sisters have theirs on other parts of their bodies.
- Weapon of Choice: YANLONG: Fan her flames of battle and you'll be some dead guy.
"Me? You want me?" |
-- Voice actors: Hitomi Nabatame (JP) |
![Feirin portrait 9790](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/c/c2/Feirin_portrait_9790.png/revision/latest?cb=20240926132841)
Rinrin's oldest sister in her family of assassins. She fights with a Laser Blade spear, and likes playing cards.
- An Ice Person: Her spear can also freeze people.
- Double Weapon
- Ms. Fanservice: She implicates something along the lines of stripteasing and pole dancing to kill others.
- Nanomachines
- Purple Is Powerful
- Tattooed Assassin: With a dragon on her arm.
- The Gambler
- Weapon of Choice: ZILONG: Luck may be a lady... But you aren't getting lucky.
"Let's fight!" |
-- Voice actors: Yurin (JP) |
![Airin portrait 5609](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/3/33/Airin_portrait_5609.png/revision/latest?cb=20240924223905)
Rinrin's youngest sister in her family of assassins. She fights with laser nun-chucks, and likes playing video games.
- Bruce Lee Clone: Another rare female example. Her color scheme looks exactly like Bruce Lee's tracksuit.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Lost at a video game in her trailer and proceeded to break the handheld in two over her knee.
- Eyepatch of Power: She has one over her right eye.
- Funny Bruce Lee Noises
- Gamer Chick
- Genki Girl: She's the most hyper active out of all the three sisters
- Mega Twintails
- Mini-Dress of Power
- Nanomachines
- Perky Female Minion
- Psychopathic Womanchild: Going by the trailer she looks like a Type C.
- Sexy Backless Outfit
- Shock and Awe
- Tattooed Assassin: Noticeably across her back.
- Weapon of Choice: HUANGLONG: Sugar and spice... Sliced and diced!
- Fighting with Chucks : LASER NUN-CHUCKS!
- Swiss Army Weapon: Can split apart to form laser scythes.
- Zettai Ryouiki: The boots version. Grade A.
Maximillian Caxton[]
"What's left for me!?" |
-- Voice actors: Shinji Ogawa (JP) |
![Max portrait 7560](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/e/e6/Max_portrait_7560.png/revision/latest?cb=20240927101854)
The apparent Big Bad of Anarchy Reigns, Max has set himself up in the Alhambra City, and is pursued by both Jack Cayman and Leonhardt Victorion.
- Badass Longcoat: A sleeveless version.
- Big Bad
- Cyborg
- Leitmotif: "Unlimited Resources", a fast paced Badass Boast about how Max will never give up and will spare no resources to destroy anything that gets in his way.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Weapon of Choice: POSITRON BLADE & TESLA BLITZ: Two times the weapons, two times the pain.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: Both the blades and the electicity are red, as opposed to Leo and Nikolai's blue.
- Evil Counterpart: Contrasting him against Leo and Nikolai.
- Laser Blades
- Artificial Limbs
Douglas Williamsburg[]
-- Voice actors: Mugihito (JP) |
![Douglas portrait 282](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/3/32/Douglas_portrait_282.png/revision/latest?cb=20240925150102)
- Badass Grandpa: His stats say he's 180(?). They don't even know how old he is, only that he's still kicking ass.
- Badass Beard
- Cyborg
- In the Hood
- Shout-Out: He looks and moves a lot like Iron Tager.
- Weapon of Choice: THE TWINS aka Romeo and Julio: Sometimes you gotta have a pair to get ahead in life.
- Theme Naming: Obviously a reference to William Shakespeare
- Throw It In: According to Platinum, the names were improvised by the VA himself.
- Artificial Limbs
- Improbable Weapon User: Arm-mounted jackhammers. Big O would be proud.
- Theme Naming: Obviously a reference to William Shakespeare