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Some people really enjoy children's toys...

  • Any time the Four Horsemen (no, not those Four Horsemen) are tasked with designing a new or revived line of action figures. Sculpts from both the recent Masters of the Universe and DC Universe Classics lines were their handiwork.
  • Seems to happen any time a non-knockoff company announces a production of an otherwise rare twisty puzzle.
  • This has happened a few times in Bionicle
    • 2006: Voya Nui - "New island, ho hum. Wait, Jaller, Hahli, Kongu, Matoro, Nuparu, AND Hewkii as TOA?!?! WANT!!"
    • 2007: Mahri Nui - "They're going underwater? Meh - Wait, the canister sets AREN'T clones? And the bad guys look even more Badass than the Piraka? AND MAKUTA IS BACK?! WANT!"
    • 2008: Karda Nui - Subverted. The Toa Nuva returning? YES!!!... Holy crap, these are awful.
    • 2009: Bara Magna - "What? A new planet? Oh, this is gonna su - Mata Nui? AS A SET? YES!"
      • The Legend Reborn - "Meh, this looks kinda - Michael Dorn? Worf is playing Mata Nui? Squee!!!"
    • This doesn't just have to be about the story. The Rahkshi were the first sets to bring about one long-awaited trait: Bendable knees.
  • Jazwares is only going to make the main characters of Sonic the Hedgehog, like usu- Blaze? Espio? Rouge? Jet? FUCKING MIGHTY? COMIC FIGURES!! Squee
    • Blaze has been deconfirmed as a figure, and there's been no word yet that this troper could find on Mighty or Comic-based figures (unless you're talking about the figures packaged with a comic, but that's completely different). On a related note, it sucks that they had to cancel their old Mortal Kombat lion before their exclusive badass Kintaro figure was released...Wait, they're making an MK 9 line, now? Classic Cyborg figures? Confirmed Kintaro figure, this time?! Just give us a Motaro figure to complete the boss set, and I'm sold.
  • In 1986, the Transformers animated movie came out, with the planet-eating Unicron as the main villain. However, given that he was the size of a planet, a respectably-sized toy could never be made. Until finally they released quite a few that did the character justice, about 15+ years later!
    • The Classics line, when it premiered in 2006, was a big hit. Then it went on hiatus for the first movie. Then it came back (as Universe) in 2008. Then another hiatus. Then another rebirth in 2010 (as Generations and Reveal the Shield). Basically, the fans are ecstatic every time the Classics style comes back, and once we figured out that we're getting them every other year...
    • Three words: Primus. Action. Figure.
    • Hasbro's comic-con conference got this:
    • "oh hey, more mechtech figures, god how reta- HUMAN ALLIANCE SOUNDWAVE!? HOLY BUMBLEF@#%ERS!!"
      • YMMV on this one.
    • Hasbro will never ever make a combiner aga- wait is that Deluxe Brawl? Well that's cool but-DELUXE SWINDLE? OK that's cool too- THE REST OF THE COMBATICONS ARE GETTING DELUXE TOYS? AND THEY'LL COMBINE INTO BRUTICUS? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!
      • On that note: Hasbro's making new Transformers: Fall of Cybertron figure?! Including SHOCKWAVE?! AND BRUTICUS?! SLAG YEAH!
      • Also, New Kick-back, and possibly other insecticons, but in truth there is a voyager Soundwave coming out (FOC), and it has an updated version of the tapes he ejects, Rumble Ratbat, Ravage, Buzzsaw and Laserbeack are now disks that can fit inside him, just like in G1
  • Mattel's Barbie team handles their fashionista/ collector Periphery Demographic smashingly in their new Barbie Basics Collection. "Oh, another line of Barbies? Figures- wait. Actual, quality designer clothing? New male models? Adult marketing?!?"
  • OK, Hot Wheels; let's get some facts straight. I and a ton of other guys loved playing with your cars as kids, but it's 2010 and you haven't done much to show your affection to fans that have grown up...whoa, you're finally releasing a DeLorean [dead link] car? And is that the Ecto-1?!
  • At Comic-Con 2011, it was leaked that Lego had re-issued the DC comics license, which was awesome by itself. One day later, it was officially announced that they in fact had one line of sets each for MARVEL AND DC COMICS! Marvel Vs Dc, Round Two!
  • Ah, Ghostbusters Minimates. These are fun, but I wish they'd do something based on the show... What? A new line of Minimates based on The Real Ghostbusters? And there will be figures of ghosts from the show?! Oh, wait, I bet it will just be Slimer and the Stay Puft... IS THAT SAMHAIN AND THE BOOGEYMAN?!
  • LEGO is releasing Lord of the Rings sets. WANT. THEM. NOW.

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