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Puddingtits 5162


"What's weirder? Bug aliens having boobs or bug aliens having their own Will Smith? This is the kind of question serious writers of science fiction ask themselves all the time."

Andrew Hussie is a Web Comic artist best known for MS Paint Adventures, who rose to particular fame with his latest project Homestuck. He's only been doing MSPA for the past four years, though - for several years before then, he tried his hand at a fairly diverse array of webcomic endeavors and wrote a small number of graphic novels (only one was actually published). Other old endeavors of his include ironic reviews of muscular horse pornography (no longer available), and Jandrew Edits, a series of humourous edits of Star Trek: The Next Generation in collaboration with Jan Van Den Hemel.

It's abundantly clear that Hussie is a man who knows his tropes really, really well. Practically everything he does (but especially MSPA) plays with, subverts, double-subverts, deconstructs, exaggerates, hangs lampshades, and otherwise works the hell out of the conventions of multiple genres at the same time. Also, if This Very Wiki is anything to go by, he's very, very quotable.

Most of his older work is archived here. He maintains a Twitter account and a Tumblr blog, and previously maintained two Formspring accounts, both now defunct; the Formspring accounts are archived here.

Webcomic works by Hussie:[]

His greatest project (which doesn't actually exist):

Published books:

  • Whistles (out of print, and available online)
  • Problem Sleuth (three volumes so far, covering first thirteen chapters)
  • Homestuck (two volumes thus far, covering Acts 1 and 2 respectively)

Andrew Hussie provides examples of the following tropes:


"gummy bears yellow cake and ribbed condoms"
—(via his former Formspring)

Pages headlined with a HussQuote:[]