Android Announcer Maico 2010 (also known as Android Ana Maico 2010) is an anime series based on the manga series Maico 2010. The main character Maico (short for "Multi-Artificial Intelligence Computer Organism") is a pink-haired android girl brought in to revive a flagging radio program (although why they use an android in the form of a pretty young woman when she'll never be seen by the audience is never explained in the anime).
Other main characters include:
- Densuke, the male assistant director of the program, regularly abused by Matsuan.
- Izumi, the other assistant director, who seems to do nothing except offer the occasional biting comment.
- Katchin, the public relations manager, despised by everyone.
- Matsuan, the director of the program. He copes with crises (and he faces many of them) by hitting Densuke and dreaming of retirement, growing tomatoes.
- Ryoko, Matsuan's boss, who has put together the idea of Maico being on a radio program.
- Suga, the scriptwriter.
- Ume, the sound effects man.
Tropes used in Android Announcer Maico 2010 include:
- Artificial Human: Maico.
- Bad Boss: Matsuan.
- Building of Adventure: The anime is set solely in the radio studio.
- Catch Phrase: Maico's "I am not a robot, I'm an android" (in Japanese, "Robotto ja nakute, andoroido desu").
- Fun with Acronyms: Maico's name.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Maico, who is naked in the premiere when taken out of her box and before her operating system is installed. Even afterward, she seems to have no inhibitions about nudity.
- Insistent Terminology: "I am not a robot, I'm an android."
- Office Lady: Izumi.
- Prematurely Bald: Matsuan isn't bald yet, but the stress of his job makes him lose a lot of hair.
- Robot Girl: Maico, though she regularly says she isn't a robot.
- Salaryman: Matsuan, Densuke, and Katchin. The other men working in the studio don't fit the Trope so well.
- The Silent Bob: Ume, the sound-effects man, never speaks; he communicates by using his sound-effects machine.
- Twenty Minutes Into the Future: Made in 1998, and apparently set in 2010.
- Virtual Celebrity: Maico.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Or pink hair in Maico's case.