Ane Kyun! My Sweet Sweet Elder Sister is a 2012 Hentai Manga collection written and drawn by Yuzuki N'. Unlike the title and genre would imply, not all stories in this collection revolve around Brother-Sister Incest. "Elder sister" (in Japanese, onee-chan) is a term also used by kids/teenagers to refer to all women older than the individual in question. The stories are the following:
- Joshi ga Ie ni Kita! (A Girl Came to my House!) : Hirocchi is attracted towards his school friend Akazaki, but his elder sister Honoka also lusts for him.
- Iizuka-senpai x Blazer: The titular Iizuka wants to show her under-classmate Toyomoto the new blazer which she'll wear in high school.
- Green Eyes: Aisa Makabe excels at everything she does. Lately, she wants her brother to kiss her.
- No Plan♥Play: The unnamed female narrator lusts for her younger brother Souta, and one day asks him to massage her legs.
- Girls x Holes: The schoolgirl Kana is supposed to be checking on the Hajime's studies, but she prefers to do anything else. Like watching adult videos with her friend Marino. Right in front of him.
- Muchi Ane (Chubby Sister) : An unnamed brother wants his unnamed sister to slim down so he can stop feeling attracted towards her for her current body shape. Until she asks if he likes slimmer girls.
- Die in Seven Years: Takimoto was pranked as a schoolgirl by a mischievous little boy. When she meets him again, it's in a compromising situation, so a little blackmail ensues.
- Suki Kirai Daisuki. Returns (I Like You, I Hate You and I Love You. Returns): Yoshiharu's sister just moved to an apartment of her own, and denies feeling any affection for her brother, even if her blushing makes it obvious.
Serialized on Comic Tenma. Published by English by Project-H on May 3, 2016. Not to be confused with Aneki... My Sweet Elder Sister, which though does have a similar theme it is a 2006 manga by a different artist and publisher.
- Ass Shove: Kancho is a prank common in Japan where an individual sticks their fingers in the victim's anus. Takimoto from Die in Seven Years is pranked this way on a flashback by a little boy she meets years later.
- Bi the Way: Marino feels excited by being touched by Kana, but proceeds to enjoy herself having sexual relations with the male Hajime in no time.
- Book Ends: Die In Seven Years ends with Takimoto being kancho-ed by Okada again.
- Brother-Sister Incest: Averted with Iizuka-Senpai x Blazer, Girl x Holes, and Die in Seven Years, where the older sisters are simply females older than the male protagonists. Played straight with the others.
- Chubby Chaser: The unnamed brother in Muchi Ane, which feels his chubby older sister is so irresistible that he must make him slim down before he commits rape against her.
- Friendless Background: Right at the first chapter, a monologue of Hirocchi explains his sister Honoka couldn't seem to make any friends.
- Hot Teacher: Takimoto from Die in Seven Years' is pretty and curvaceous teacher on a high school.
- In Vino Veritas: Yoshiharu's sister is more honest towards her incestuous feelings towards him once she drinks her alcoholic drink.
- Male Gaze: It's a given in pornography, but in No Plan♥Play, it is used to emphasize the notion that the elder sister have that her younger brother is lusting on her.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Marino and Kana, though Marino seems shocked to learn she is sexually excited by the touch of a girl.
- Screw the Rules, I'm Beautiful: Haruto guesses this is the reason his sister Akiba is able to keep her hair dyed blonde despite going against school regulations.
- The Ace: Akiba Makase is said by her younger brother to excel at everything she is asked to do.
- Their First Time: Hirocchi and Akazaki have their first coitus inside his room on the first chapter.
- Tsundere: Yoshiharu's sister denies feeling anything for him, but as soon as she gets drunk she gets clingy.
- Your Cheating Heart: At the end of Joshi ga Ie ni Kita, Hirocchi is cheating on Akazaki, though his mistress and sister acts like he is cheating on her.