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Buffy turns up in Los Angeles to express her annoyance over Angel's crossover cameo, but when Angel is unexpectedly turned into a human the Star-Crossed Lovers realise they can now have a life together.
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- Achilles' Heel: The Mohra demon can be killed by breaking the jewel on its forehead.
- Alien Blood: The Mohra demon has green glowing blood.
- Almost Kiss: Angel and Buffy in the sewer; they kill it themselves.
- Beautiful Dreamer: Doyle has come to warn Angel about the Mohra demon. Buffy is still asleep.
Doyle: "I think we should bring someone a little - supernatural." |
- Big Damn Kiss / Orbital Kiss: Buffy first discovers that Angel has become human again when he walks up to her in the daylight as Buffy is walking by the seashore and sweeps her into his arms for a passionate embrace.
- Blooper: When Angel tells Buffy time will be reversed and their day of perfect happiness together will be undone, Buffy starts crying. When Angel comforts her, David Boreanaz is clearly heard calling Sarah Michelle Gellar by her real name, instead of her character's name.
- Bloody Murder: Having blood that can remove the demonic aspect of an enemy is a good way to weaken a supernatural foe.
- Comically Missing the Point: Angel walks in off the street in broad daylight.
Cordy: "Hey, you walked in the front door - from the street! You got..an umbrella!" |
- Call Back
- Angel takes on an aspect of the demon from its blood, as Buffy did in "Earshot".
- Buffy says "I was really jonesing for another heartbreaking sewer talk."
- Delicious Distraction
Angel: "Yeah. I'm mortal now. I have a mortal body. (Stares at where Cordy is standing) And I'm so...hungry!" |
- Demon Hunters Do It On Desks: Angel and Buffy agree they should take their relationship slow. One accidental moment of body contact later and they're shoving the cutlery off the kitchen table to have passionate sex.
- Eek! A Mouse!: Buffy jumps at the sight of a rat, in contradiction to her behaviour in "Welcome to the Hellmouth" — a sign that being around Angel is making her nervous.
- Erotic Eating: Our loving couple are shown in bed after sex with Buffy sensuously eating chocolate and Lecherous Licking spilt ice cream off Angel's chest.
- The First Cut Is the Deepest
Cordy: "Where is the crabby scowl, the morbid gloom? (Turns to Doyle) This just means that it cut deeper then usual. Batten down the hatches, here comes Hurricane Buffy." |
- Foreshadowing: For the Season 3 episode "Birthday"
Cordelia: “I'm good for exactly two things: international superstardom, or helping a vampire with a soul to rid the world of evil. That makes for a short but—colorful resume.” |
Doyle: You don't know what Buffy and Angel are doing down there. |
- Plus, there's the scene that references the title of the episode. Buffy is in tears, and swear she will never forget that day. Then, the Elders press the Reset Button, and Buffy (along with everybody else except Angel) has forgotten everything that happened that day.
- A Handful for an Eye: Angel throws salt in the Mohra demon's eyes.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Humanity Ensues
- It's a Long Story: Averted as usual.
Angel: "It's complicated how this all happened, Buffy, you know? It's kind of a long story." |
- Katanas Are Just Better / Super Window Jump
- Leave Your Quest Test
- Mood Whiplash: From the light-hearted fun of "Pangs" to this Tear Jerker episode.
- Not Quite Dead: The Mohra demon can regenerate itself
- Not What It Looks Like: Angel's Interrupted Suicide — he just wanted the stake to prop a wobbly desk. Later Doyle and Cordy leave at the sound of Angel and Buffy fighting a demon because they assume it's Slap Slap Kiss behaviour. When they return to find the room trashed and dust on the floor, Cordy's first thought is that Buffy has dusted Angel; then we discover she was too lazy to sweep under the carpets.
- Required Spinoff Crossover: Buffy visits Angel after the events of "Pangs".
- Relationship Reset Button
- Reset Button: An aversion in which the reset itself is the Tear Jerker.
- Rule of Symbolism: The various references to time — Angel starts the episode by winding a clock, gives a watch as a gift to the Oracles, and breaks the clock when using it to kill the demon at the end.
- Sarcasm Mode
Buffy: "You know it's a good thing I didn't fantasize about you turning human only about 10 zillion times, because today would have been a real let down. |
Angel: "I feel weird.' |
- Scenery Censor / Hand or Object Underwear: Naked!Angel fetching strawberries and chocolate chip ice cream for Buffy.
- Talk About That Thing: Averted, since we're dealing with Cordelia.
Cordy: "Well, this is Doyle. And he gets visions of people in trouble." |
Doyle: "Well, what ever happens from here on out, at least I will be able to say good-bye to them bone-crushing, head-wrenching, mind-numbing visions." (Doyle's head smacks into the bar as he has a vision) |
Buffy: "You hurt my boyfriend." |
- Walk in Chime In: For once it's not Angel who does this.
Cordy: "If my ex came to town and was all stalking me in the shadows and then left and then didn't even say 'hello' I'd be__" |
- When All You Have Is a Hammer: Buffy is carrying a stake while stalking the demon with Angel "Because I know how to use it. Besides it's a lot handier then your fighting ax." Of course another reason could be that Buffy knows she'll need a stake if she can't resist having sex with Angel.
- You Owe Me
Buffy: "You bailed me out last night. I'd like us to be even." |
- Back to Angel