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Doyle's death has apparently cut Angel off from the Powers That Be — but not for long. Meanwhile a demon seeks their protection from an implacable pursuer.
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- Alone with the Psycho
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Barney killed a lot of people, viciously mutilated their bodies, and started the bidding for Cordy at a paltry $2000.
- Auction of Evil: Cordelia is kidnapped and her "Seer's Eyes" are put up for bid, along with various other stolen organs with special powers. And when it appears she is about to be sold for much too low a price (from Cordelia's viewpoint) she takes over from the auctioneer to drive the price higher, and to buy time for the Big Damn Heroes to show up and rescue her.
- Badass Biker / Hell-Bent for Leather: Wesley trying to go for a more Badass look. When Angel isn't impressed he tries to become a Badass in a Nice Suit. Besides, the leather pants tend to chaff his...legs.
- Bad Bad Acting: For once Cordy has an excuse — she plays a stain remover commercial like it's Out, Damned Spot! due to grief over Doyle. When the bemused auditioners ask her to try again with a little more happy, she then experiences her first vision. Needless to say she doesn't get the part.
- Bound and Gagged: Cordelia; the gag has less to do with restraint than making her shut up.
- But Now I Must Go: Wesley tries playing this trope, but is disappointed when Angel and Cordy don't appear to be paying attention, and rushes back when Angel casually invites Wes to join them for breakfast.
- Captain Obvious
Barney: First off, you should know — right away, before there's any misunderstanding — I'm a demon. |
- Later Barney the Empath demon overhears Cordy struggling to decipher a cryptic vision and grunting angrily.
Barney: You're frustrated. |
- Angel and Wesley nab their suspect, a wounded Kungai demon, only to discover he's dying. Angel points out that it wasn't Wesley's arrow which injured him; his horn's been broken off. Wesley leans over and starts translating the Kungai's dialect.
Wesley: (looks up) I think he's telling us his horn was taken. |
- Cat Scare: Angel, stalking through a sauna with An Axe to Grind, is startled when a horrible demon yanks open a curtain and snarls at him...then politely asks where they do the Shiatsu massage.
- Cutting the Knot: An auctioneer being outbidden by a rival solves the problem by knocking him out.
- Cradle of Loneliness: Cordelia laments that Doyle had nothing special he left behind so she could do this trope; she's less than impressed to find that Doyle did leave her something special — his ability to experience painful visions.
- Decoy Damsel: Barney is a Gender-Inverted Trope.
- Description Cut: The Oracles tell Angel that someone will come along to replace Doyle; cut to Barney being chased by a helmeted man on a motorcycle. But it's a Bait and Switch as Cordelia is the one to inherit Doyle's power. Though it was played somewhat straight in that the biker, Wesley, also joins the team.
- Drool Hello: Wes informs Angel that the demon he's chasing can be tracked via the Alien Blood it's leaving behind...like the kind that's now dripping on his shoulder.
- Emerging From the Shadows: Angel finds himself facing a man in the shadows holding a crossbow; The Determinator who's been chasing Barney across several states. Angel is unimpressed when his old acquaintance Wesley steps out into the light.
- Failed Attempt At Drama: Wesley as a Running Gag.
- First Kiss: Angel and Cordy kiss for the first time; subverted in that Cordy is actually trying to pass on Doyle's visions. There's also a Call Back to Wes/Cordy's disastrous first kiss when Wes admits their second time was an improvement.
- Friendly Local Chinatown: Koreatown
- Game Face: A hotel employee wisely provides Angel with directions to the auction when he vamps out.
- Groin Attack
Cordelia: I'm having a vision! A demon... it's definitely you. You're in great, great... |
- Hannibal Lecture: Barney to Cordelia.
- It Meant Something to Me / I'm Dying, Please Take My MacGuffin
Cordelia: Doyle! I thought our kiss meant something. And instead, he-he used that moment to pass [prophetic visions] on to me. Why couldn't it have been mono or herpes? |
Barney: “I’m sensing a little performance anxiety here. Little trick, picture everybody__” |
Barney: “I never said I was a Boy Scout. I’m an empath demon. I can read emotions. It gives me a slight advantage at cards. You know, Black Jack, Poker. Ooh, it’s also good for the fights.” |
- Subverted since Barney is playing a little Obfuscating Stupidity, he's actually a sadist and the true villain.
- I Work Alone: Both Wes and Angel say this. They doth protest too much.
- Made a Slave: An option for Cordy at the auction; unfortunately the lovely lawyer from Wolfram & Hart is only interested in her eyes.
- Nightmare Fetishist: Hanks pleads with Barney to be allowed to take out Cordy's eyes. Barney tells him to stop embarrassing himself.
- Omniglot: Angel can speak Korean, while Wesley can understand the Kungai's dialect.
- Organ Theft
- Perp Sweating: Wesley tries interrogating Angel when they first meet. Angel casually swats away his crossbow, leaving Wesley looking rather dejected.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner
Wes: "You! Butcher an innocent girl, will you?! (Pushes his glasses up on his nose) I’m going to thrash you to within an inch of your life AND THEN I’M GOING TO TAKE THAT INCH!" |
- The Pratfall: Wesley tries to pull a knife out of an ankle holster to cut Cordy's bonds and ends up falling on his backside.
- Rant-Inducing Slight: Angel goes off on a tirade about media stereotyping when Barney thinks he sleeps in a coffin.
- Rogue Agent: Wesley has reinvented himself as a "rogue demon hunter". In truth he's been fired from the Watcher's Council after losing both Faith and Buffy.
Cordy: What's a rogue demon? |
- Ship Tease: Cordelia kissing Angel — it turns out she's just trying to transfer Doyle's power.
- Tastes Like Friendship: Wesley joining Angel and Cordy for breakfast shows his acceptance into their group.
- Title Sequence: Doyle is kept in to sow confusion about who will replace him, or even if he'll be brought back from the dead.
- Vampiric Draining: The effect of the Kungai horn.
- You Won't Feel a Thing: Barney is about to extract Cordelia's eyes
“Now, be a good girl and hold still. This will only hurt a lot.” |
- Back to Angel