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A serial killer is stalking the streets and Angel fears it might be him. The truth is no less unpleasant.
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Kate: “I don’t believe you.” |
- Alone with the Psycho: Cordelia again, though she appears to have learnt some lessons from the previous episode, or from living with a vampire — she quickly realises Penn is a vampire from his Badass Longcoat used to shield himself from the sun, and raises the blinds to block him off from her.
- Badass Boast: Wesley is holding Angel at cross-point, while Angel is trying to reassure him he's not the killer.
Wesley: “Why should we believe a word you say?” |
- The Bait: Angel plans to use Kate's police resources to locate Penn, while following close enough to avert her death. After Kate finds out who Angel really is, she organizes surveillance on Angel knowing Penn will try to contact or kill him.
- Bus Full of Innocents: Actually a Bait and Switch by Penn while he goes after Kate — Angel doesn't fall for it.
- Continuity Nod: Kate hands out pictures of Angel taken from the same precinct surveillance tape of Angel that Lee Mercer was studying in "Sense & Sensitivity".
- Create Your Own Villain
- Double Entendre
Wesley: “While executing my duties as Watcher in Sunnydale, I did extensive research. Specifically on Angel, given his uncomfortable proximity to the Slayer.” |
- Do You Trust Me?: Angel asks Kate if she trusts him before handing over information on a Serial Killer without revealing the source. Kate doesn't hesitate to say that she does trust Angel; brutally subverted in that after discovering that Angel is a vampire (and digging up Angelus' history) she never fully trusts him again.
- Get Out!: Cordelia to Wesley after Wesley deduces that the serial killer is Angelus.
You get to leave now. |
- He's Dead, Jim: Kate checks Penn's pulse after she shoots him three times in the chest and naturally finds he doesn't have one. Then he gets up.
- Holy Burns Evil
- Human Shield / Grievous Harm with a Body: Penn escaping Angel Investigations using Wes for a shield.
- Hypocritical Humor: Wes is trying to convince Cordelia that Angel is behind the killings.
Cordy: “No! I don’t care how many files you have on all the horrible things he did back in the powdered wig days! He is good now. And he’s my friend. And nothing you or anyone else can say will make me turn on a friend!” |
Penn: “Well, you were right about one thing, Angelus. The last 200 years has been about me sticking it to my father. But I’ve come to realize something –- it’s you! (He jumps up and kicks Angel in the stomach) You made me! (Kicks him in the face, then double fists him a couple of times) You taught me! (Angel drops to the floor and Penn jumps on his back) You approved of me in ways my mortal father never did! You are my real father, Angelus.” |
- I'm Going for a Closer Look: Despite having half of LAPD on site to back her up, Kate enters an Abandoned Warehouse alone to search for a serial killer.
- Ironic Echo: The serial killer is called "The Pope", which Angel joked to Kate about being in "Rm W/A View".
- I Resemble That Remark: Played for Drama when Kate gives a profile of the man they're looking for at a police briefing, which is crosscut with a montage of Angel walking the streets — needless to say the profile fits Angel perfectly.
- Just Between You and Me: Spoofed by Penn.
Kate: “What are you going to do?” |
- Macho Masochism: When Kate refuses to accept that vampires exist despite seeing Angel in Game Face, he seizes the cross around her neck and holds it despite the smoke rising from his palm.
- Mistaken for Murderer: By Wesley and Cordelia, though actually averted with the police; by the time Kate finds out Angel is a vampire she already knows he's not the killer — not that she's any more trusting.
- Montages
- My Friends and Zoidberg: When Angel asks Cordy who she was talking to she replies, "Nobody (the chair). And Wesley."
- Nightmare Dreams: The problem is, Angel enjoys them.
- Not What It Looks Like: Inverted; when Wes enters Angel Investigations with a stake ready in his hand, he assures Cordelia that it's exactly what it looks like.
- Origins Episode
- Perverted Sniffing / The Nose Knows
Penn: Ah, smell that fear. Makes the blood sweeter. |
- Promotion to Opening Titles: Wesley
- Room Full of Crazy: Lampshaded by Angel, when he derides Penn for his lack of imagination, saying he undoubtedly has a wall lined with newspaper clippings of his crimes. It turns out he does.
- Self-Made Orphan: Angelus advises Penn to do this, and Penn has fun recreating the crime over the centuries.
- Serial Killer: Although he's no different from any other vampire, really. Like Angelus.
- Shoot the Hostage / Exactly What I Aimed At: Penn is using Angel for a Human Shield, facing Kate armed with a stake. Kate rams the stake through Angel's body to dust Penn. Angel gasps, "You missed" (my heart); Kate yanks out the stake and says, "I didn't."
- Staking the Loved One
Cordy: “People really do change.” |
- Stop or I Will Shoot: Kate shoots an unarmed Penn three times in the chest when he doesn't stop walking toward her.
- Surrogate Soliloquy: Cordelia practising the Angel Investigations sales pitch to a chair.
Wesley: I think it’s about to speak. |
- Sleepwalking: Angel fears he may be committing homicidal somnambulism — murders committed while sleepwalking.
- Vampire Invitation: Unlike certain people in Sunnydale, Kate isn't foolish enough to invite Angel in once she knows he's a vampire. Later Angel walks into Penn's hideout and points out that as Penn is a vampire he doesn't need an invitation.
- Chekhov's Gun: The fact that she doesn't invite him in will become a fairly huge deal in the s2 episode "Epiphany".
- Walk in Chime In: Kate is briefing her officers on Penn when the killer in question starts complaining about the terrible likeness of his artist's sketch.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Penn seeking revenge on his Puritan father by recreating his murder.
- Who Are You?
- Wolverine Claws: Penn has a metal finger extension which he uses to carve a cross into his victim's cheek.
- You Remind Me of X: Angel sees a young blonde girl who from the back appears to be Buffy. The episode also has numerous Call Backs and Ironic Echos of Bangel incidents in Angel's interactions with Kate Lockley.
- Back to Angel