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Doyle's past is revealed when his wife asks him to sign the divorce papers so she can marry into another demon family.

  • Affably Evil: The Ano-movic, mainly because they've assimilated into human society.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Loads of this, usually involving the stripper.
  • Be Quiet Nudge
  • Brain Food
  • Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: Doyle's ex-wife Harriet prepares to marry into a family of apparently humanized, peaceful demons who nonetheless make, um, unusual wedding preparations. Harriet's prospective father-in-law reads from the to-do list: "First we greet the man of the hour. Then we drink. We bring out the food. Then we drink. Then comes the stripper, darts, and then we have the ritual eating of the first husband's brains, and then charades." The demon family, of course, objects to the charades.
  • Brutal Honesty: And sometimes not so brutal.

 Doyle: "You think I'm a nice guy?"

Cordy: "I think it, I say it. That's my way."


 Dad: "The accursed books tell us all very plainly that ingesting a priorly married prospective bride's former primary mate's fresh brains will insure a happy second marriage. This way, Richie can incorporate all the love you and Harry shared, making their union whole. It's an Ano-movic thing, don't ask."

  • Fantastic Racism
  • Foreshadowing: Doyle finds a picture of Buffy hidden between the pages of the book Angel is reading.
  • Game Face: It's confirmed that showing your demon face makes you stronger, but Doyle refuses to do so (when he finally does so, Cordy attacks him with a silver tray).
  • Gender Blender Name: Harry = Harriet.
  • Half Truth: Richard Straley neglects to tell Doyle that his 'consent' to their marriage meant agreeing to have his brains eaten.

 Harry: "I'm only going to ask you this once, Richard, and I expect a straight answer: were you or were you not intending to eat my ex-husband's brains?"

Richard (sheepishly): "In a way."

Harry: "And when were you planning on telling me?"

Richard: "I thought maybe I wouldn't have to."

Harry: "You were going to start out our life together with deceit?"

Doyle to Angel: "Sort of missing the point, isn't she?"

  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Carlos Jacott (Richard Straley) played another demon (also initially assumed to be human) in the Buffy Season 3 premiere episode "Anne", and Lawrence Dobson on the pilot episode of Firefly.
  • Hidden Depths: Doyle worked as a teacher and a volunteer in a soup kitchen.
  • Last-Name Basis

 Harry: "It's good to see you again, Francis."

Doyle: "It's Doyle, now. It's just Doyle."


 Angel: "The party is over."

Nick: "You brought a vampire to my brother's bachelor party?"


 CORDELIA: That's funny, for a moment I thought you said one of Doyle's students?

HARRY: It wasn't fun being treated like a third grader, believe me.

CORDELIA: Grade third taught Doyle?!? ...Doyle taught third grade? The kind with children?

  • Rescue Romance: Cordy warms to Doyle after her rich but boring date flees and leaves her at the mercy of a vampire, which Doyle polishes off.
  • Right Behind Me: Cordy catches Doyle reenacting last nights' heroics.
  • Stab the Salad: Angel is spying on Doyle's ex-wife's fiance and sees him taking on a demon aspect and drawing out a knife. One Super Window Jump later, it's revealed that she knew about him being a (harmless) demon, and that the knife was to cut the strings on a parcel.
  • Stages of Monster Grief: Doyle coped poorly with the revelation of his demon side, and his marriage to Harriet soon crumbled - even though his wife was pro-demon herself.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial

 Cordelia: "I'll have you know that Pierce has a lot more than money. He has a house in Montecito, he has a Mercedes CLK 320 and a place in the hills with a lap pool."


 Aunt Martha: "Well, they're certainly not going to eat your ex-husband's brains...for instance."

  • Super Window Jump: "Now they own a number of restaurants with pretty expensive windows."
  • Twerp Sweating: Angel giving the third degree to Pierce, a day trader and Cordelia's date.
  • You Look Familiar: Richard is played by Carlos Jacott, who previously appeared as Ken in the Buffy episode "Anne." A rare Buffyverse example in that both characters are mostly seen without demon makeup, making it a pretty clear case of Most Definitely Not a Villain.