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Angel meets a demon princess who is helping women escaping from an alternate dimension. UST ensues.
- Aborted Arc: Jhiera was meant to be a recurring character, but we don't see her again.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Wes distracted by a rare Nancy Petticoat rose.
- Badass Princess: Jhiera, daughter of the King of Oden Tal.
- Beethoven Was an Alien Spy: When the art gallery security guards are searching for him, Angel averts suspicion by briefly pausing to lecture on a painting of the French poet Baudelaire, suggesting that Baudelaire's poem "The Vampire" was based on an encounter with a real vampire (possibly Angel himself, as he tells his audience that Baudelaire was actually "a little taller and a lot drunker" than he appears here).
- Can You Hear Me Now: Angel is trying to talk to Cordy on the new Cell Phone she got for him; first the battery is running low, then the reception is bad so he keeps misunderstanding her Buffy-Speak. Eventually he loses patience and tosses it in the back seat.
"You know, these things were definitely cooked up by a bored warlock." |
- Corpsing: The episode took far longer to shoot than usual since the cast kept breaking up in laughter. The set had to be shut down for an hour and a half because David Boreanaz (Angel) and Alex Denisoff (Wesley) couldn't stop laughing. It got to the point where David and Alex resolved not to look at each other to avoid cracking up. But as Joss Whedon pointed out on the DVD commentary for the episode, there are still points where David can't keep a straight face.
- Credits Gag: The Wes and Angel dance scenes are played during the credits.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Ko removal = female circumcision.
- Eureka Moment
Wesley: (looking at a book) “Aha!” |
- Exact Eavesdropping: Wes and Cordy overhear the Vigories talking of their plans.
- Facial Horror: Along with exploding eyeballs.
- Facial Markings
- Fanservice Extras: The Oden Tal runaways don't speak; they just look good in little clothing.
- Foreshadowing: Our first mention of portals to other dimensions, which will become important in later seasons.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar
- Cordy at her party telling someone off-camera: “Diego, pants on!”
- Angel in a Shirtless Scene, explains he had to take a shower after meeting Jhiera — a cold one, presumably.
- Wesley (under the influence of a scantily-clad Oden Tall girl) mentions how tight his clothing seems, and asks her to have a feel.
- Grappling Hook Pistol: Fired Guns Akimbo by Angel and later used as an Improvised Weapon.
- Hell-Bent for Leather / Cleavage Window / Buxom Is Better / Woman in Black: Jhiera — she's hot, OK?
- Horny Devils: The women of Oden Tal can affect men when they're in sexual heat; Angel and Wes are both shown struggling with this.
- I Can't Dance / Imagine Spot: Angel is at a party Cordelia is hosting. He's trying to fit in, chatting with a girl, when she asks him if he wants to dance. We have an Imagine Spot of Angel flailing around wildly, a big grin on his face, while the girl looks on in horror. Cut back to a closeup of Angel as he deadpans, "I don't dance." You can see it here. Wesley also can't dance, but appears to be oblivious of this fact.
- Incredibly Obvious Tail: Jhiera sees that Angel is tailing her and tells a security guard at the art gallery that a strange man in a black coat is following her; Angel realises this, slips out of his Badass Longcoat and poses as an art expert.
- Knight Templar: Both Jhiera and the Vigories have elements of this — they both regard humans as expendable in their conflict, and Angel has to make it clear that if innocents are killed as a result they'll have to deal with him.
- Mundane Utility: Angel using his vampire strength to crush the coffee beans — he just sends them spilling all over the floor.
- Naked on Arrival: Gi
- New Age Retro Hippie: Mars, the health spa guy.
- The Pratfall: Wesley falling over the car door as he tries to leap out of Angel's convertible, and later when he slips on the coffee beans.
- Professional Butt-Kisser: Wesley, according to Cordelia.
“Wow. Groveling isn’t just a way of life for you, it’s an art.” |
- Sarcasm Mode: Cordy to Angel.
“I’m so glad you came. You know how parties are. You’re always worried that no one is going to suck the energy out of the room like a giant black hole of boring despair. But there you where - in the clinch!” |
- Sunglasses At Night: Jhiera to hide her demon eyes.
- Man Hug: Angel rejects Wes offer of a grateful hug.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: Between Angel and Jhiera.
- Sand in My Eyes: Wes when Angel offers him a job at Angel Investigations.
- Signed Up for the Dental: Averted as Angel Investigations doesn't have one. Wes says he'll floss.
- The Wallflower: Angel at Cordy's party.