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Cordelia's friends (and a reluctant Host) follow her into the demon dimension of Pylea where Cordelia has been forced into slavery.
- Always Save the Girl
- Bound and Gagged: Cordelia — she talks too much.
- Breaking the Bonds: Averted
Gunn: "It's no use. This thing's made out of some magical alloy." |
- Buffy-Speak: The portal "swirly-hole thingy".
- Casual Kink: On being told they would split up going through the portal and maybe end up on opposite sides of the planet, Angel suggests handcuffs to bind them together, only they don't have handcuffs. Wesley starts to cheerfully disagree, then quickly shuts up.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Wolfram & Hart attorney Gavin Park will return in Season 3, taking the role of Lilah Morgan's rival previously held by Lindsey.
- Cliff Hanger: Ahem Our heroes are hauled before Pylea's matriarchal ruler to be executed. They decide to go down fighting and jump their guards as they're hauled inside the throne room, only to find Princess Cordelia giving them the hairy eyeball.
- Comically Missing the Point
Lorne: "Just remember, keep your heads down. Xenophobia's kind of a watch-word where I'm from." |
- Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: Averted. Two Wolfram & Hart lawyers arrive to inspect the Hyperion. Angel puts on his Game Face and tells them it's a bad idea. One of the lawyers gets an Oh Crap look on his face, but Gavin Park calmly points out that they'll just go to the real estate agent and compel his co-operation and if he still refuses, "I'm sure that somewhere in your lease agreement there must be one or two loop holes to be...exploited."
- Eureka Moment
Angel: "I'm just waiting for Wes to have that Eureka moment." |
- Evil Is Petty: Wolfram & Hart intend to buy up the lease on the Hyperion when it expires.
Angel: "You got to be kidding me. You guys couldn't get me to turn evil, so now you wanna evict me? You know, they're trying to annoy me to death." |
(Angel and the gang get into a fight with the demon villagers) |
- Hands Off My Fluffy: A nice Double Subversion — Cordelia is chased by a vicious beast who catches her and... licks her face?. Whew. Then the pet's owner showed up, congratulated the "dog" and chained Cordelia. Unfortunately, it turns out that while the beast was a pet, it was a hound hunting... humans.
- I Need a Freaking Drink: On realising that Cordy has been accidentally sucked through the portal, the Host laments the fact that he can't get drunk. On realising he's stuck in Pylea without the book that can get him back to Earth, he laments the fact that there's no gin and tonic in this dimension to get drunk on.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: A non-speaking version when Trensiduf and Vakama are arguing over how much Cordelia is worth. Vakma points out that Cordelia is too skinny, "and ugly too." Cordelia (who's Bound and Gagged) immediately emits a squeal of protest, whereupon Vakma offers one pig for her.
- In the Hood: The priests of the Covenant of Trombli.
- The Last of These Is Not Like the Others: The Host on travelling back to Pylea.
"I'd rather have a hydrochloric acid facial. I'd rather invite a hive of wasps to nest in my throat. I'd rather sit through a junior high school production of Cats!" |
- Lock and Load Montage: Subverted with a 'buckle up' montage as the Fang Gang drive Angel's convertible through the portal.
- Made a Slave: And to add insult to injury, Cordelia is only worth one pig.
- Mundane Solution: If more than one person goes through a portal they could end up on opposite sides of the planet, but metal averts this. Angel suggests handcuffs, but Wesley says they could end up as a "freakishly hybridized Siamese twin". So they just drive through the portal in Angel's car.
- Now You Tell Me: Gunn is pissed no-one told him about the "freakishly hybridized Siamese twin" possibility.
- Oh Crap: The book used to open the portal doesn't come through with them.
- On Second Thought
Fred: "I'm not crazy. Well, crazy, but I'm not wrong." |
- Psychic Powers: Spoofed when Lorne consults a psychic for the location of the next portal; she's earning money working a psychic hotline.
Aggie: "Ah, you know the business. Vague predictions, lengthy pauses; anything to keep the numbers rolling." |
- Screaming Woman: Lampshaded by Cordelia.
Cordy: "Right. Good one, Cor. Scream very loudly so the hellbeasts come to you." |
- Shock Collar: All 'cows' on Pylea are forced to wear them. Though the pain seems to have little effect in getting Cordy to shut up, presumably because she's used to much worse pain from her visions.
- Shout-Out: To The Wizard of Oz, such as the Literary Allusion Title and Cordy clicking her heels three times to see if it helps her get home. "Worth a try."
- Super Senses: Angel listens in on two guards talking outside their cells who handily fill him in on the plot so far.
- Speak in Unison: The gang realise the spellbook to get them home is missing.
Gunn: "Who had the book?" |
- Try to Fit That on A Business Card: The Venerable Monarch of Pylea, General of the Ravenous Legions, Eater of Our Enemy's Flesh, Prelate of the Sacrificial Blood Rites, and Sovereign Proconsul of Death.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: In this dimension it's What Measure Is A Human. Or rather — Cow.
- Your Head Asplode: Well, implode according to Fred, if you take off the collar.
- You Talk Too Much: A Running Gag with Cordelia, even after she has the Shock Collar put on.
Vakma: "Shut up, Cow! Trensiduf of the Gathwok Clan was right. You talk too much." |