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The Fang Gang gets trapped inside Wolfram & Hart with the Beast.
- Bad Vibrations: The Beast's big stomping feet.
- Butt Monkey: Gavin is working in the You Get Me Coffee role for Lilah Morgan. Then he gets necksnapped, zombified, and his head cut off by Gunn who finally takes pity on him.
- Captain Obvious
Gunn: What the hell was that? |
- More Dakka: Wes uses a grenade to slow down the Beast.
- Modesty Bedsheet: Post-Coitus!Cordy.
- Better to Die Than Be Killed: Wes agrees to kill Gunn if he becomes a Zombie Infectee and asks Gunn to do vice versa. Gunn's agreement is a bit too fervent for his liking.
- Big Blackout: Wolfram & Hart when the Beast arrives on the scene.
- Bloody Handprint: Plenty of these.
- Demon Ex Machina: Mesektet teleports everyone out of the White Void Room as the Beast stomps up to them, presumably as Angel's death is not in the Senior Partners' interest.
- Did the Earth Move For You, Too?: The morning after making love while the sky rained fire, Connor asks Cordy "Did the world end?"
- Disconnected by Death: Gavin calls the front desk on a mook's radio. They tell him they're a bit busy right now, then start screaming as the Beast kills them.
- Everything's Deader with Zombies: The people killed by the Beast come to life as zombies, apparently as a last-ditch supernatural defense by the Senior Partners.
- Eye Awaken: Gavin and all the other Not Quite Dead people.
- Gag Echo / Villainous Demotivator
Lilah: (on the phone) Find that Beast, or I swear to God, I will... |
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Gavin searching frantically through a shelf of toilet rolls for the escape exit, no doubt suggesting a Bring Me My Brown Pants reaction on coming face-to-face with the Beast a moment later.
- Get Out!: Angel's last words to Cordy are to "take your boyfriend and get out."
- Gory Discretion Shot
- Grey and Gray Morality
Wesley: There is a line, Lilah; black and white, good and evil. |
- Hassle Free Hotwire: Fred hotwires the elevator. It's not clear where she got the skills to do this.
- Killed Off for Real: Gavin Park. Mesektet, the Conduit to the Senior Partners.
- Let's Split Up, Fang Gang
- Lockdown
Lilah: The building automatically shuts down under full scale attack. |
- Loved I Not Honor More: Wesley uses this excuse to break up with Lilah, saying that he's got to choose a side. Lilah points out that Fred just happens to be on the side he chose.
- Make Way for the New Villains: The Beast kills off the competition by wiping out Wolfram & Hart.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Cordy's reaction after sleeping with Connor.
- Neck Lift / Neck Snap: Gavin's death.
- No More for Me: Lorne's reaction when the Gang suddenly teleport back into the Hyperion.
- Not So Different: Played for Laughs
Connor: What's a zombie? |
- Our Zombies Are Different
- Pieta Plagiarism: Wes carrying an injured Lilah.
- Percussive Therapy: After seeing Connor making love to Cordelia, Angel punches the door to the stairwell off its hinges and walks out, then we hear him doing the same to every other door he comes across.
- Photographic Memory: How Angel remembers the lift button combination to get to the Missing Floor / White Void Room.
- Red Herring: The term Big Bad is used several times to refer to the Beast. It turns out later there's a Bigger Bad out there.
- Run or Die
- Secret Underground Passage: Lilah and Wes escape through a secret passage reserved for the top members of Wolfram and Hart.
- Shut Up, Kirk: Lilah to Wes.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Everyone in Wolfram & Hart — Lilah is the only one to make it.
- Single-Stroke Battle: Connor knocks out two Wolfram & Hart goons with one punch.
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Wesley/Gunn, and Angel with Cordelia.
- They Would Cut You Up: Lilah cheerfully states she's going to do this to Connor...until he knocks out her mooks and throws her against the wall.
- Villainous Demotivator
Lilah: Go downstairs, and check it out. [Gavin hesitates] Gavin, ask yourself this question — what are you more afraid of, a giant murderous demon... or me? |
- Wall Crawl: Gunn wonders how they're going to climb up the escape chute into Wolfram & Hart. Angel leaps into the air and clambers up the shaft, then chucks down a rope.
Gunn: Show off. |
- We Can Rule Together: The Senior Partners want to make a deal with the Beast, who unfortunately for them isn't interested.
- White Shirt of Death: Or in this case, the White Sheet of Death. All the Wolfram & Hart employees seem to be accompanied by bloody paperwork.