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The gang seek another means of restoring Angel's soul, but Lilah Morgan has turned up again. The Beast turns out to be the servant of another party.
- Almost Kiss
- Arrow Catch / Catch and Return: Angelus catches a quarrel fired by Cordy, and throws it back into her.
- Bigger Bad: The Beast has a boss.
- Brick Joke / Swiss Cheese Security: Wo-Pang is once more trying to meditate despite the sounds of the Fang Gang punching their way past his mooks. As the last one is tossed onto his incantation circle yet again, he notes-to-self; "Must acquire better guards."
- Chekhov's Gun: The Beast's bone dagger.
- Children Are Innocent: Spoofed when Angelus grabs a girl to eat, only for her to turn out to be a vampire.
- Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are
- Continuity Nod: Fred mentions the Orb of Thesulah, used in an aborted attempt to capture Angelus' soul in BTVS "Passions". The Chumash Indians (from BTVS "Pangs") buried the soul eater.
- Contrived Coincidence: Lampshaded and subverted.
CORDELIA: I thought the spell was... |
- Cutting the Knot: The soul eater keeps going incorporeal to stop Gunn and Connor from landing a blow. When it sticks its hand into Connor's chest to drain his soul, Gunn just chops its hand off, then cuts off the demon's head.
- Deadpan Snarker: Lilah gets in plenty.
(In response to Angel's Rousing Speech) "I can't believe we didn't slaughter you people years ago." |
- Eye Awaken / Flash Step: The soul eater is difficult to kill.
- Evil Is Stylish: Averted by Lilah who's been hiding out in the sewers, and doesn't Angelus snark her for it.
- Famous Last Words
LILAH: He's gonna kill us. |
- Fire-Breathing Weapon: Gunn breaks out the flamethrower to guard Angelus.
- Foe Yay / Ho Yay
ANGELUS: Mm. Man, I'm telling ya... man, if I swung that way... Look at him. (whistles) all rugged and handsome and brains... man, he's damn-near perfect. |
CORDELIA: Man, I'd love to punch your face in. |
- Foreshadowing: Lilah says that word of Angel losing his soul has gotten out. When Angelus goes to a vampire bar in the next episode, he gets a round of applause.
- Angelus' Hannibal Lecture to Gunn about how he's just the muscle and never tries to change — he will in Season 5, and ends up regretting it.
- He's Back
- I Did What I Had to Do / Saying Too Much
- I Need a Freaking Drink
- Kill'Em All: Lilah reveals that every member of Wolfram & Hart has been killed, even outlying offices and people who were on sick leave.
- Power Floats
- Post Mortem One Liner
CONNOR: We got the skull of the soul-eater. (sets it on the table in front of Cordelia). |
- Living Lie Detector: Angel is asked to sing for Lorne to prove he's got his soul back. After a few bars Lorne gives his enthusiastic approval. Unfortunately while everyone was watching the fancy light show swirling around Angelus, Cordelia was putting the whammy on Lorne.
- Manipulative Bastard / Manipulative Bitch: Angelus and Cordelia.
- Meaningful Echo: Angelus echoes Faith's words when she's posing as Buffy in the BTVS episode "Who Are You" when he says "being evil is wrong."
- Mercy Lead: Angelus counts to ten before chasing after Lilah.
- The Nicknamer: Lorne calls Lilah "succu-bitch". Lilah calls Cordy "Saint Cordelia".
GUNN: Now, instead of just worrying about the Big Bad Rocky, we got Darth Vampire living in the basement. |
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Angelus threatens to do nasty things to Fred.
- Ship Sinking: No more Funn, but Angelus letting slip about Wesley and Lilah also sinks Wesley's chances with Fred until Season 5.
- Sophisticated As Hell
Wo-Pang: There is no other way known to me. Without the Muo-Ping... (shrugs) you're screwed. |
- Staircase Tumble: Angelus. Lilah then pushes a cabinet down on top of him.
- Super Senses: Fred and Gunn are arguing over the latter's affections for Wesley, when Angelus chimes in off the CCTV monitor. Turns out he can hear everything from the basement.
- We Will Meet Again: Angelus shouts "It's not over!" as the gang prepare to restore his soul.
- Wham! Episode: Cordelia is revealed to be the controlling agent behind the Beast.
- What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic: The title.
- You Get Me Coffee: Angel tells Lilah to make herself useful and fetch coffee for the others. A short time later Lilah is seen standing over a pile of smashed mugs.
Lilah: It's my inner megalomaniac. I, uh, rebel at serving coffee. |