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Claustrophobia:Not completely explained on this book, but closed spaces are not his style. We are informed of this when he gets locked in a library with a limited supply of air. He still manages to keep his cool to escape, thankfully.
Decoy Protagonist: Despite his knowledge of religious symbolism, he's more or less an accessory to Victoria's quest for Revenge.
Enemy Mine: Thanks to his past, he has nothing but hate and disgust for everything religious. But he can't just let people die as result of a terrorist attack.
Red Herring:The whole chapter before he talks with The Camerlengo hints that he's the Illuminati leader. Turns out his aggressive thoughts towards the church are result of a Freudian Excuse.
The Camerlengo[]
Bitch in Sheep's Clothing:God damn. The trope should be renamed The Camerlengo. He would have played everyone for fools if Koch wasn't filming their conversation.
Big Bad:He manages to be this with his incredible capacity for manipulation.
The Chessmaster:There's no Illumminati. There's only him and the Hassassin, and the Hassassin thinks he's working for the Illumminati.
Freudian Excuse:Averted with his mother's death as the result of an terrorist attack. What truly sets him in the path of unspeakable evil is discovering that the Pope had a son(that to his own horror is him) and the discovery of Vetra that launched him on a crusade to make science look evil and religion good.
Genghis Gambit: the Camerlengo does in the movie with the Illuminati.
The first one Template:Spoiler:happens when the Pope reveals to the Camerlengo that science allowed him to have a son. Cues murder and conspiratio.
The second one {{spoiler:makes The Camerlengo: go a little whacked at having found out the Pope's innocent of his accusation of breaking the vow of celibacy and is his father.]]
The Heart:If not for the good guys, for the Catholic Church itself as temporary leader of Vatican.Template:Spoiler: He is doing this to divert the attention of himself.
Knight Templar:He believes his actions will at the same time save the Catholic Church and at the very least prejudice the image of science on the public.
Religious Stereotype:He avert this completely, being a kind and respectable member of the Church, and he is such a Hope Bringer that Template:Spoiler:the cardinals even think in making him Pope, and in fact do it through proclamation. Then he plays it so straight that makes the Hassassin look moderate.
Enemy Mine: He is much of a radical muslim as you can imagine in the book. He is only fighting for the Illuminati because he sees the Catholic Church as a bigger threat to eliminate.
In Name Only: If the hitman didn't fulfill the exact same role of The Hassassin, they wouldn't share a character sheet in first place.