Complete Monster - In the process, the Hassassin gets addicted to killing, and tries to rape and kill Vittoria in his climax as a fantasy.
Averted in the film, he's just doing his job and even lets Langdon and Vittoria go because he doesn't need to kill them, but tells them that if they follow him he will
The Camerlengo definitely counts as well. Even our heroes steer into this territory toward the end. After The Reveal that the entire plot was forged within the church itself, our heroes and the church decide it's best to not tell the truth, because they want people to believe what happened was a miracle. Despite eight innocent people being killed as a result of the plan.One being the original Pope.
Crowning Moment of Awesome - The scene in the movie where a group of citizens jump into the fountain to help save the fourth Preferiti
Even knowing he's an evil bastard, The Camerlengo's bit with flying the Antimatter into the sky and then parachuting to safety is unquestionably awesome.
Visual Effects of Awesome: Say what you will about the story, but everyone can agree the symmetrical versions of the words "Illuminati" and the four elements are cool as all hell.