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Australian comedian Chris Lilley's third show in his familiar Mockumentary style. Chris Lilley plays multiple characters, including:
- Nathan and Daniel, a pair of twins living on a farm in rural Australia, return from We Can Be Heroes. Daniel describes Nathan as "mostly deaf, and a little bit retarded".
- Gran, a prison officer at a boys juvenile penitentiary and Nate and Daniel's grandma. A hardass and a racist, but she cares about her charges.
- S.Mouse, an American rapper most famous for his Dance Sensation song, "Slap My Elbow". A Soulja Boy Expy.
- Blake Oakfield, a former surf champion, and a member of the Mucca Mad Boys, expies of the infamous Maroubra Bra Boys.
- Jen Okazaki, mother of a teenage skate star. In pursuit of increasing his notoriety in Tokyo, she wants to market him as a gay skater, despite his actual orientation. Described by Lilley as "the meanest, most awful character I've ever done."
Angry Boys is a co-production between The ABC and HBO, the same way HBO worked with the BBC on Extras. The series features Daniel organising a farewell party for his brother Nathan and inviting all their favourite celebrities. Like his previous shows, Angry Boys mixes Crosses the Line Twice, Refuge in Audacity comedy and surprisingly insightful satire of modern culture.
Tropes used in Angry Boys include:
- Acting for Two: Or six.
- Attention Whore: S.Mouse
- Nathan and Daniel could also apply.
- And Jen Okazaki.
- Badass Grandma: Gran is a prison guard.
- But You Screw One Goat!: A new inmate becomes known as "Dog Wanker".
- Character Development: Everyone except for Jen Okazaki goes through some sort of character development.
- Cool Old Lady: Gran.
- Expy: S.mouse is one of Soulja Boy and the Bra Boys.
- From the Mouths of Babes: Daniel and Nathan's little sister more than keeps up with their profanity.
- Groin Attack: Blake had his balls shot off.
- Hilariously Abusive Childhood: Poor, poor Tim Okazaki.
- Identical Grandson: Daniel and Nathan to Gran.
- Karma Houdini: Nathan. He manages to get away with pooing on a police car in Episode 2 (although it's what hints his mother to send him to deaf school). Played straight through Episode Five however.
- Manipulative Bastard: Jen Okazaki.
- Memetic Mutation: "Slap Your Elbow" is an in-universe example.
- Misplaced Kindergarten Teacher: Zigzagged with Gran. She is aware of what her charges have done and isn't afraid to be hard on them. On the other hand, she knits them superhero pyjamas.
- Refuge in Audacity: As always with Chris Lilley.
- Shock Value Relationship: What Jen is trying to do with Tim.
- Surfer Dude: Deconstructed with Blake. The Mucca Mad Boys are a violent gang and the entire town hates them.
- Talking to Himself
- Teens Are Monsters
- Theme Tune Cameo: Appears in the penultimate episode as "Squashed n****r", S.Mouse's first good song.
- Slow, magical build up as Nathan sees the Legend's arrive in the final episode.
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: Another Chris Lilley staple.
- Debatable. Gran, Daniel, Nathan and Blake are clearly presented as sympathetic as the series goes on, and even S.mouse mellows. The only clearly evil character is Jen.
- Volleying Insults: S.Mouse does this with his girlfriend.