An infamous retelling of the Ruby Quest adventure by none other than the Angry Marine.
Can be viewed here.
The short presentation gained astounding popularity as it was first posted in one of the Ruby Quest threads. Sin then, the Angry Marine's variation has been recurringly posted by anonymous /tg/ in multiple threads and has also spread across the lower regions of the net.
(This page could use some clean up and Wiki Magic)
- Action Girlfriend/ Violently Protective Girlfriend
- Affectionate Parody: Of Weaver's Ruby Quest.
- Ascended Fanon: The Weaver actually featured[1] the retelling in his Déjà Vu Quest special.
- Babies Ever After
- Badass/ Action Girl: Angry Ruby.
- Curb Stomp Battle:
"Ruby fucks up a pussy-ass shark." |
- The Heretic: The narrator is accused of being such when he questioned the omnipotence of the Emperor.
- Invincible Hero/ Charles Atlas Superpower: Justified:
"They're guided by the Emperor! |
- Mood Dissonance: The last panel.
- Oh Crap: Tom's face.
- Precision F-Strike
- Screw the Rules, I Make Them: Angry Ruby is even able to reverse Railroad the narrator.
- ↑ (i.e. re-illustrating and integrating)