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The Nangong Clan (Hanzi: 南宮世家, Pinyin: Nangong Shijia, Hangul: 남궁세가, Romaja: Namkoong, Namkung, Namgung) occasionally appears in some Wuxia stories as a wealthy and powerful family of arrogant merchants, often counted as a member of the Five Great Clans.[1][2]

They are commonly associated with swordsmanship, which is not unusual for a martial arts group, considering how the sword is one of the common weapons in wuxia. A fun fact is that Nangong county was very famous for their martial artists during the Western Han dynasty, so that could potentially be where the inspiration comes from.[3]

Examples of Anhui Nangong Clan include:


Anime and Manga[]

  • Murim Login: Nangong Cheon, better known as the Azurewelkin/Heavenly Sword King, descends from the Great Nangong Family.

Comic Books[]

Fan Works[]



  • In Huang Ying’s Reincarnated (天蚕变) stories, they were infiltrated and utterly destroyed by the wicked White Lotus Sect.[4]

Live-Action TV[]


New Media[]

Newspaper Comics[]

Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myths and Legends[]



Professional Wrestling[]

Puppet Shows[]


Recorded and Stand Up Comedy[]

Tabletop Games[]


Video Games[]

Visual Novels[]

Web Animation[]

Web Comics[]

Web Original[]

Western Animation[]

Other Media[]

Real Life[]