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Baloney anvil 6598

"An anvil's black and shiny, it's very heavy, too, so watch out my chubby friend, or one may fall on you!"

Yakko, Wakko and Dot[]

  • "The Wheel of Morality adds boring educational value to what would otherwise be an entirely entertaining program!"
  • Potty Emergency—specifically, Wakko goes through a ton of cruel yet hilarious gags about being unable to go to the bathroom. He eventually has to resort to walking inside the movie seen in the beginning of the episode in order to finally go.
  • Remember during the Beauty and the Beast episode when they were lost in the woods? Funnier if you're aware of the political environment during the time it was made.

Wakko (looking at what is presumed to be a map): According to this we've lost our way.
Yakko (taking the map): This isn't a map. It's a flyer for the Republican Party!
Wakko: "Lost our way as a country," that is.

    • Earlier in the same short, we had Yakko, Wakko and Dot trying to introduce themselves to the audience... only for Dot to fail to say her full name correctly four times in a row, in a set of 'out-takes', until she eventually snaps and begins cussing angrily.

Yakko: That's my cute little sister who said that! Good night, everybody!


Ms. Flamiel: Yakko, can you conjugate?
Yakko: Who me? I've never even kissed a girl.
Ms. Flamiel: No, no, no, it's easy. I'll conjugate with you.
Yakko: Goodnight everybody!
Ms. Flamiel: You don't understand. Let me go to the board and show you.
Yakko: (To the audience) Don't look.

    • And it gets taken even further in other places.

Yakko: (as a detective) Number One Sister, dust for prints!
Dot: I found Prince! (Carries the singer.)
Yakko: No, no, no. Fingerprints!
Dot: (looks at Prince, who grins) I don't think so. (throws him out the window)

  • Two more words: "Polka Dot?" (Cue polka with Dot)
    • From that same episode:

Umlatt: No, no! This is the uniform of a great man!
Yakko: Does he know you're wearing it?
Umlatt: I am Umlatt of Donlikus, and I am here to demand you surrender Anvilania to me! I give you 24 hours to vacate!
Yakko: Vacation already? This is only my first day on the job!
Umlatt: I demand your surrender!
Yakko: I will not surrender! You surrender!
Umlatt: Me, surrender?
Yakko: Okay, I accept. Hand over the keys to your castle.
Umlatt: Don't be ridiculous! I'll go to war before I surrender!
Yakko: Well go ahead, and don't you come back until you've learned some manners, young man!
Umlatt: Very well, you silly child! [throwing his hands into the air] This means war!
Yakko: I thought that meant touchdown?

  • Baloney & Kids. Particularly during the anvil song.
  • From "Papers for Papa":

Ernest Hemingway: [talking in a woman's voice] Who is it?
Dot: Pushpen Office Supply delivery for... Mr. Ernest Hemingway.
Hemingway: Mr. Hemingway isn't here right now. This is, uh, Alice B. Toklas.
Warners: No you're not.
Hemingway: Yes I am.
[Camera zooms out to show the Warners standing right behind him.]
Warners: No you're not.
Hemingway: [in his normal voice] Daah!
Yakko: You can't fool us. Alice B. Toklas doesn't live here anymore!

    • Hemingway's breakdown earlier also makes me laugh.
  • Pavarotti + Close encounters + Animaniacs ? Funny? Definitely. Awesome? That too.
  • Mr Director (the Jerry Lewis-esque director) pretty much anytime he appears, especially in the first episode with him. "Ohhhh I LOVE these kids, they's so funny, nice kids that look like puppies! Flammeil!"
  • From "Clown and Out": The Yiddish Clown who, like Mr. Director, acted in a very Jerry Lewis fashion with an extremely stereotypically Jewish style. Combined with his obvious and repeated aside jokes: "A clown is my friend...a clown will not bite me und throw me in the basement... a clown is not a big spider..."

"I'm in the sky..."
"I dont want to do this no more..."

  • From "The Girl With the Googily Goop", when the sibs get spat out into another studio's cartoon, where literally everything is alive:

Yakko: "This is going to be the most frightening six minutes of our lives."

  • "Yakko's Universe":

It's a great, big universe and we're all really puny!
We're just tiny little specks about the size of Mickey Rooney!

  • "Wakko's Gizmo," a loving tribute to Rube Goldberg taking his absurdly complex machines Up to Eleven
  • The short sketch in which Dot "translates" Puck's closing monologue from A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Yakko: And this weak and idle theme, no more yielding but a dream!
Dot: There's a hole in the plot you could drive a truck through.


Pinky and The Brain[]

Slappy Squirrel[]

  • Slappy Squirrel. Just Slappy Squrrel.

Skippy: Bumbie's not real, he's a cartoon!

Slappy: *Aside Glance* Don't tell him, he might crack.

  • Woodstock Slappy. ALL OF IT. Just watch this and try not to laugh.
  • A great moment when Slappy Squirrel took Dot's place in a short during the episode "Animaniacs Stew" and was less than enthusiastic about it.

Slappy: Ah, forget it. Here, have some dynamite down your pants.

  • Not to mention ALL of the episode with the can. You know the one.
