Edited for Syndication: When Animaniacs aired on Nicktoons Network, they edited the famous intro to about 15 seconds and inserted a plug to Nickelodeon in the Couch Gag of what rhymes with "Animaney" and "totally insaney". Needless to say, fans were happy when the full intro was present on the DVD sets.
On at least one occasion, the narrator was Jim Cummings. Also, the series had the "Good Idea, Bad Idea" and "Mime Time" segments narrated by Tom "We'll Leave the Light on for You" Bodett.
In "Guardin' the Garden" and "Noah's Lark", it was Ernie Anderson, the "Voice of ABC". They even got him to say "TheLooooooooooooooveArk" in "Noah's Lark"! [1]
Pesto is an aversion. While many fans think his voice is Joe Pesci, it's actually Chick Vennera - doing a really, really good impersonation of Joe Pesci.
Keep Circulating the Tapes: The last quarter of the series, which includes most episodes after the Channel Hop to Kids WB!, hasn't been released on DVD. Neither has Wakko's Wish, but that one's at least on iTunes and Netflix and elsewhere.
There are also a couple episodes which were edited on the DVD sets: "Broadcast Nuisance" is missing a few bits, and "Gold Rush/A Gift of Gold/Dot's Quiet Time" is missing a bumper.
Screwed by the Network: Starting in 2006, Warner Bros finally gave the series a DVD release, dividing the series into four volumes. For reasons unknown, Warner Bros. decided against releasing the final volume and it has yet to be released, despite the DVD sales being high.
↑The fact that Tom Ruegger and crew indirectly worked for ABC in the past probably has something to do with it, too...