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Basic Trope: A character's younger sibling is annoying
- Straight: Alice's little brother, Bob, steals all her toys, reads through her diary, and embarasses her in front of her boyfriends and friends.
- Exaggerated: Alice's little brother is pure evil, playing cruel pranks, destroying Alice's property, getting her in trouble with their parents for crimes she did not commit, and harming all of Alice's closest friends.
- Downplayed: Alice's little brother teases Alice at times, but get along most of the time.
- Justified: Tormenting Alice is Bob's way of being a part in her life.
- Inverted: Annoying older sibling
- Subverted: Bob acts annoying towards Alice, but it turns out, she finds Bob's antics amusing and not the least bit annoying.
- Double Subverted: Until Bob goes a little too far.
- Parodied: Bob is the Big Bad, and his crimes include putting Alice's diary on the internet, releasing spiders into her bed, and telling on her to her parents.
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: Bob and Alice get along great and don't annoy each other at all.
- Enforced: "Bob is Alice's little brother. Fans will expect him to be obnoxious."
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: Bob only acts annoying because he knows its his role as Alice's younger brother.
- Exploited: ???
- Defied: Bob acts mature and respectful to Alice, because he believes it's common manners to be polite to your older siblings.
- Discussed: "Bob, you are so annoying!"
- Conversed: "I'm glad I don't have a brother like Bob."
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