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The characters of the anime series Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai:

The Super Peace Busters[]

Jinta "Jintan" Yadomi[]

JintaYadomi 2587

 Voiced by: Mutsumi Tamura (child) and Miyu Irino (teenager)


De facto leader of the "Super Peace Busters", a six-person gang of True Companions that tragically dissolved after Menma's death. Once an energetic boy, he has since withdrawn into himself after Menma's and his mother's deaths.

Meiko "Menma" Honma[]

MeikoHonma 44

 Voiced by: Ai Kayano


A girl who died in an accident ten years ago, only to reappear as a ghost only Jintan can see. Despite aging in real-time, she retains her cheerful, childlike disposition, and wears the same white one-piece sundress she wore the day she drowned.


  Jintan: In the end, Menma wore a smile after all.


Naruko "Anaru" Anjou[]

NarukoAnjou 1756

 Voiced by: Haruka Tomatsu


A girl who idolized Menma, but at the same time was also jealous of her relationship with Jintan, with whom she kept in touch long after Menma's death. Both even attend the same high school, with Anaru often bringing homework to him whenever he's too lazy to go out.

Atsumu "Yukiatsu" Matsuyuki[]

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 Voiced by: Asami Seto (child) and Takahiro Sakurai (teenager)


A handsome, popular student in a prestigious school with Tsuruko. He used to have a crush on Menma, and is resentful of her relationship with Jintan, especially the fact that only he can see her ghost.

Chiriko "Tsuruko" Tsurumi[]

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 Voiced by: Saori Hayami


A bespectacled, quiet girl who remained close with Yukiatsu long after the gang dissolved, both attending the same prestigious high school. She has had a crush on him for a long time, and is resentful of his fixation on Menma.

Tetsudo "Poppo" Hisakawa[]

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 Voiced by: Aki Toyosaki (child) and Takayuki Kondo (teenager)


An awkward child who idolized Jintan for his "coolness" and joined the Super Peace Busters. After Menma's death he began traveling the world, funding it with his part-time jobs, and stays in their old hut when not abroad.

Other Characters[]

Atsushi Yadomi[]


 Voiced by: Mitsuru Ogata


Jintan's father, who is very understanding of what his son sets out to do.

Touko Yadomi[]


 Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara


Jintan's deceased mother, who appears to have a great connection to the story in the present time.

The Honmas[]


 Voiced by: Makoto Yasumura (Manabu), Fuyuka Oura (Irene) and Kaoru Mizuhara (Satoshi)


Menma's family, consisting of her businessman dad Manabu, her Russian mother Irene, and her younger brother Satoshi.

Mama Anjou[]


 Voiced by: Kimiko Saito


Anaru's mother, who enjoys teasing her in front of her friends, but can be quite a harsh disciplinarian, according to Anaru.

  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She is genuinely caring towards Jintan and Poppo when they visit her house, and implies that she missed seeing them when she remarked that it had been a long time since they last visited. However, she apparently chews Anaru out so much over the false rumors that Anaru decides to run away to the secret base.
  • Curtains Match the Windows

Aki and Haruna[]


 Voiced by: Yui Makino (Aki) and Kaoru Mizuhara (Haruna)


Anaru's so-called "friends," who could be better people on the whole.