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The characters of the anime series Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day:
The Super Peace Busters[]
Jinta "Jintan" Yadomi[]
- Voiced by: Mutsumi Tamura (child) and Miyu Irino (teenager)
De facto leader of the "Super Peace Busters", a six-person gang of True Companions that tragically dissolved after Menma's death. Once an energetic boy, he has since withdrawn into himself after Menma's and his mother's deaths.
- Always Someone Better: Is this in Yukiatsu's opinion.
- Anger Born of Worry: In Episode 4, Anaru slips near the place where Menma drowned. Jintan catches her arm and holds her from behind only to tighten his grip on her arms and berate her for almost repeating the incident.
- Brilliant but Lazy: Jintan is pretty smart and can pick up new information pretty quickly, but he's so apathetic and lazy he'd rather shut himself in than deal with school.
- Brown Eyes
- By the Eyes of the Blind
- Cannot Spit It Out: His feelings for Menma, Until Episode 10.
- Deadpan Snarker: Has his moments.
- Defrosting Ice King: Happens as he starts spending more time with his old friends. It is for this very purpose that Menma returned in the first place.
- Did Not Get the Girl: Because said girl died. There's still potential for him to end up with another love interest, though.
- Guilt Complex: Not quite as evident as Anaru or Yukiatsu, but it's still there.
- The Hero
- Anti-Hero: Starts out as a Type I while he's a recluse, but eventually moves to become either a Type II Knight in Sour Armor type of hero, or maybe just a regular Hero in the end.
- Hikikomori
- Hot-Blooded: It's repressed, but it's still there. He was this way mostly as a child, but whenever he gets worked up he tends to yell and raise his voice and speak pretty passionately.
- Keet: As a child.
- Knight in Sour Armor: Becomes this by the end of the series.
- Jade-Colored Glasses: Definitely the most jaded out of the whole cast at the beginning, save for maybe Yukiatsu. Ends up going through Character Development in the series to be more of a Knight in Sour Armor.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Loners Are Freaks: According to Anaru's friends, he's just a weird shut-in that she shouldn't bother dealing with.
- Magnetic Hero: Yukiatsu even grudgingly admits that even now he still has the charm he possessed as a child.
- My Girl Is Not a Slut: Defended Anaru from her classmates' slander, even though the two were not even a couple. Though, touching as it was, he didn't pass up the chance to berate her, revealing in the process some of her more embarrassing hobbies.
- No Social Skills: As a teen, he is very awkward when dealing with people and often can't speak properly with anyone outside his old social circle.
- Not What It Looks Like: On more than one occasion with Anaru.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Wears one when he goes out in public.
- Six Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic II — Arguably the most balanced of the group, by merit of being The Hero.
- Second Love: Implied with Anaru in the ending.
- Socially Awkward Hero
- Stopped Caring
- Troubled but Cute
- Unable to Cry: For both Menma and his mother. In Episode 8 he, with Menma's help, was finally able to mourn his mother, and in Episode 11 he finally sheds tears for Menma as he and the rest of the True Companions bid their final farewells to her.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Menma and Anaru.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: Subverted. His feelings for Menma were mutual, but her death meant that they could never be together. Possibly played straight with Anaru in the ending.
Meiko "Menma" Honma[]
- Voiced by: Ai Kayano
A girl who died in an accident ten years ago, only to reappear as a ghost only Jintan can see. Despite aging in real-time, she retains her cheerful, childlike disposition, and wears the same white one-piece sundress she wore the day she drowned.
- Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence: Menma's eventual goal, though both she and Jintan zigzag about the urgency of granting her wish. The gang succeed in sending her off happily in the end.
- Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: Menma had light blue eyes, pale skin, white hair, and wore a white dress... all before she died.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The blonde (or at least platinum-blonde) to readhead Anaru and brunette Tsuruko.
- Blue Eyes
- But Not Too Foreign: She is half-Russian.
- Cheerful Child
- The Chick: Served as the person who kept the Super Peace Busters together and is in the middle of a Love Triangle between Jintan and Yukiatsu.
- Cool Big Sis: Was this towards her younger brother Satoshi.
- Cute Ghost Girl
- Dead Hat Shot: Early episodes show a brief clip of a single sandal drifting in the water whenever Menma's death was mentioned.
- Dead to Begin With
- Dissonant Serenity: At the end of Episode 8, the rest of the gang call bullshit on Jintan's claims of being able to see Menma, and Yukiatsu is ready to beat him up when Menma calmly enters, walks over to the table, writes in her diary, and softly drops it once she's done — all the while wearing a smile.
- Does Not Like Shoes
- Genki Girl
- Girl In White
- Go Out with a Smile: More accurately, moves on to the afterlife with a smile all the way.
Jintan: In the end, Menma wore a smile after all. |
- Jacob Marley Apparel
- I Let Gwen Stacy Die
- The Lost Lenore: Type A.
- Love You and Everybody: Subverted. She loves everyone in the Super Peace Busters, but she is well-aware that the love she feels for Jintan is something beyond mere friendship.
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Her cheerfulness has led Jintan out of his solitude and made him reconnect with his old gang.
- Oblivious to Love: Was oblivious to Yukiatsu's feelings until he confessed to her when they were children.
- The One That Got Away: She was this to both Jintan and Yukiatsu.
- Posthumous Character
- Six Temperament Ensemble: Supine, as the friendly, non-confrontational chick who's very prone to tears.
- Standing Between the Enemies: Tries this when Anaru and Tsuruko start fighting in Episode 2. It doesn't work since they can't see her, but it never escalates beyond catty remarks and yelling anyways.
- Tender Tears
- Tearful Smile: At different times, but most heart-breakingly when she finally ascends to heaven in the last episode.
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth
- Unrequited Tragic Maiden: Played With. She suffers a tragic death right after hearing Jintan deny having a crush on her. In reality, he returned her feelings while she was alive, and still liked her even when she was a ghost.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Jintan.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: Subverted. Her feelings for Jintan was mutual, but her death means that they can never be together.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Naruko "Anaru" Anjou[]
- Voiced by: Haruka Tomatsu
A girl who idolized Menma, but at the same time was also jealous of her relationship with Jintan, with whom she kept in touch long after Menma's death. Both even attend the same high school, with Anaru often bringing homework to him whenever he's too lazy to go out.
- Adorkable: Slowly becomes more obvious over the course of the series. She likes video games and manga, loves stuffed animals, and gets embarrassed easily. It's all but stated that she's been trying to shed this image from childhood, but is still very much the same girl from ten years ago.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: Towards Jintan in Episode 8.
- Birds of a Feather: With Yukiatsu. This is why she is seen as Yukiatsu's "backup" for Menma by both Yukiatsu and Tsuruko.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The redhead to blonde Menma and brunette Tsuruko.
- The Chick
- Curtains Match the Window
- Disappeared Dad: He's never seen or mentioned, though her mother is still seen wearing a wedding ring.
- Dogged Nice Girl
- Embarrassing Nickname: Anaru. In a language where there's no difference between "l" and "r"...
- The Fashionista
- Fiery Redhead
- Gamer Chick
- Girl Next Door
- Girlish Pigtails
- Comes close to having Mega Twintails, though her curls are only seen on the tips of her hair.
- Girls Love Stuffed Animals: Insists that she can't sleep without one of her stuffed animals when she moves to the clubhouse.
- Green-Eyed Monster
- Guilt Complex: Menma's death constantly torments Anaru.
- Gyaru: Paints her nails, styles her hair and dyes it red, wears false eyelashes, and probably uses her earnings from her part-time job to buy outfits.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Played With — played straight by Yukiatsu, who sees her as his Replacement Love Interest for Menma; inverted in that she's the one with feelings for Jintan; subverted in that while they're currently in a state of Unresolved Sexual Tension, Jintan left her in the cold after she made an Anguished Declaration of Love to him, only to confess right in front of her later that he's still in love with Menma; and finally double subverted in that the ending hints that they eventually will get together.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: Blames herself for Menma's death, is easily influenced by others, and has quite the inferiority issues.
- Hopeless Suitor: To Jintan, until the last episode.
- I Just Want to Be Beautiful/I Just Want To Be Menma: Envied Menma's looks when she was younger because of Jintan. It's heavily suggested that her fixation on fashion is due to her insecurity about her own looks.
- Jerkass Facade: Starts off cold towards Jintan before it's soon revealed that she's a decent person.
- Joshikousei
- Kick Chick: Her response to Yukiatsu's teasing about how she handles boys is a kick to the side in Episode 9.
- Letting Her Hair Down: Several times throughout the series.
- Virgin-Whore Complex: Anaru is actually a rather prude virgin, but because of her appearance and a near-rape encounter at a love hotel, she earns a reputation among her classmates as an easy slut.
- Meganekko/Nerd Glasses: Wore these as a child.
- Memetic Outfit: Her own white one piece dress, along with Letting Her Hair Down.
- Naive Everygirl: Quite out of place within her Girl Posse.
- Not So Different: With Yukiatsu. Both blame themselves for Menma's death, have inferiority issue, and are "kindred spirits" in unrequited love.
- Otaku Surrogate: Is quite the video game nerd and even works part-time at a video game store.
- Pair the Spares: Ultimately subverted. Anaru was Yukiatsu's "backup" for Menma, but the ending hints that she will eventually end up with Jintan, with whom she bore with for many years, instead.
- Patient Childhood Love Interest
- Red Headed Heroine
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Tsuruko's blue.
- Replacement Love Interest: She wanted to be this to Jintan, but it turns out she's one for Yukiatsu.
- Rescue Romance: Was on a good way to it with Yukiatsu.
- Romantic Runner-Up
- She Cleans Up Nicely: While Anaru isn't unattractive at all, she definitely put more effort than usual into looking nice in Episode 3, letting her hair down and wearing a white dress similar to Menma's.
- She's All Grown Up: According to Yukiatsu.
- Single-Target Sexuality: Anaru insists that Jintan is irreplaceable to her when Tsuruko suggests that Yukiatsu is planning on hooking up with Anaru once Menma is sent to Heaven.
- Six Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic — Easily influenced by others and insecure, but overall a nice girl.
- Toxic Friend Influence: Aki and Haruna belittle Jintan before her and threaten her with ending their friendship to keep her in check, and once got her into serious trouble during trip to a karaoke bar with a couple of older men. Though the ending seems to suggest they're getting better, protectively guarding Anaru from Jintan. It looks like they really are looking out for her best interests.
- Tsundere: Towards Jintan who actually acts quite Tsundere right back.
- Unlimited Wardrobe: While all members of the Super Peace Busters sans Menma use this trope, special mention goes to Anaru, who has the most outfits and hairstyles. Also, slightly played with in that she'll mix and match pieces like shirts or boots to create different ensembles.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Jintan. Subverted in the end.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Jintan.
- Urban Legend Love Life: Gains one of these after she's taken to a love hotel and nearly raped.
- What Does She See in Him?: Yukiatsu asks her what good she still finds in Jintan, pointing out that he's not the same kid they knew.
Atsumu "Yukiatsu" Matsuyuki[]
- Voiced by: Asami Seto (child) and Takahiro Sakurai (teenager)
A handsome, popular student in a prestigious school with Tsuruko. He used to have a crush on Menma, and is resentful of her relationship with Jintan, especially the fact that only he can see her ghost.
- The Ace
- Broken Ace: Blames himself for Menma's death, resents Jintan and his closeness to her, is unable to interact well with Tsuruko, the only person from the True Companions still close to him, and considered Anaru as his "backup" love interest.
- Always Second Best: Feels this way towards Jintan.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: Towards Menma in a flashback in Episode 5.
- Birds of a Feather: With Anaru. This is why Yukiatsu and Tsuruko see Anaru as his "backup" for Menma.
- Bishonen
- Break the Haughty
- Cry Cute: A male example. While everyone else has their fair share of tearful moments, special mention goes to the otherwise snarky Yukiatsu, after confessing to his selfish reasons for fulfilling Menma's wish and hearing Poppo's own confession.
- Crossdresser/Creepy Crossdresser: Crossdresses as Menma to relieve his obsession of her.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Green-Eyed Monster
- Eyes of Gold: Olive-greenish yellow, to be exact.
- Guilt Complex
- Hot-Blooded
- Hot Guys Are Bastards
- Hypocrite: Accuses Jintan of being obsessed over Menma when he himself is just as obsessed with her but handles it much worse. Arguably lampshaded by Tsuruko who says he's likely projecting himself to Jintan.
- Hypocritical Humor: When your resident Creepy Crossdresser warns his classmates that there are a lot of weirdos hanging around...
- Inferiority Superiority Complex: Very prone to acknowledge how handsome, smart, and athletic he is, but constantly feels like he's Always Second Best to Jintan.
- Jerkass/Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Zigzags between these two constantly.
- The Lancer
- Mad Love: To put it subtly.
- Love Makes You Crazy
- Unrequited Love Lasts Forever Though, thankfully, it's hinted that he moves on in the end with Tsuruko.
- Yandere: He started strangling Jintan at one point.
- Memetic Outfit: His crossdressing as Menma.
- Not So Different: With Anaru. They both blame themselves for Menma's death, have inferiority issues, and are "kindred spirits" in unrequited love.
- Oblivious to Love/Selective Obliviousness: Seems pretty unaware of Tsuruko's feelings for him.
- Pair the Spares: Ultimately subverted. Anaru was Yukiatsu's "backup" for Menma, but the ending hints that he will eventually end up with Tsuruko, who remained in touch with him through the years, instead.
- Rescue Romance: Plays with a thought of invoking this trope with Anaru.
- The Resenter
- The Rival
- Six Temperament Ensemble: Choleric — model student on the outside, self-deprecating, resentful teen and obsessive Creepy Crossdresser on the inside.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Menma.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Tsuruko. Subverted in the end.
- Unwanted Harem: It is indicated that he is fairly popular with his female classmates, though he doesn't so much as bat an eye at them.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Tsuruko. From his point of view, anyway.
Chiriko "Tsuruko" Tsurumi[]
- Voiced by: Saori Hayami
A bespectacled, quiet girl who remained close with Yukiatsu long after the gang dissolved, both attending the same prestigious high school. She has had a crush on him for a long time, and is resentful of his fixation on Menma.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: In Episodes 10 and 11.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The three girls of the group--Menma (blonde), Anaru (redhead), and Tsuruko (brunette).
- Curtains Match the Window
- Deadpan Snarker/Brutal Honesty: Never fails to mercilessly sum up others' (usually Yukiatsu's) foolish behaviour in a few words.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Dogged Nice Girl
- Green-Eyed Monster: A mild case.
- He Is Not My Boyfriend: Towards Yukiatsu when a shopkeeper assumes that she is his girlfriend, and later when two girls confront her twice about her relationship to him.
- Important Haircut: She cuts her hair in Episode 10 following her coming to terms with her unrequited feelings.
- Last Girl Wins: Implied with Yukiatsu.
- Love Martyr: Is well-aware of Yukiatsu's deep-rooted issues but sticks by him in spite of it.
- Meganekko/Stoic Glasses
- Not So Above It All: Looks down on the more immature behavior of her friends, especially Yukiatsu's treatment of Jintan due to his jealousy over Menma. However, she tends to act just as cold and critical towards Anaru, out of her own jealousy.
- Only Sane Woman: Looks at things practically when it comes to the gang's antics (a trait that goes back since childhood) and is a definite one in Episode 10 when she is the only one (other than Jintan) who is bothered and openly protests when everyone else puts Jintan on the spotlight and goads him to confess his feelings for Menma.
- Patient Childhood Love Interest: Very patient, considering she saw herself as the last in line for Yukiatsu's feelings after Menma and Anaru.
- The Quiet One
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Anaru's red.
- Sarcastic Confession: "His (Yukiatsu's) hobby is crossdressing."
- Shipper on Deck: Near the end she confessed that she was hoping that Jintan and Anaru would get together once Menma passed on to Heaven. This is because she wanted to be Ship Mates with Yukiatsu.
- Six Temperament Ensemble: Melancholic — A smart girl who is critical of her friends but also comfortable on her own.
- The Smart Guy
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic/Cry Cute: She finally breaks down in tears as she confesses to her selfish reasons for fulfilling Menma's wish.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Has grown into one.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Yukiatsu. Subverted in the end.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Yukiatsu.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Yukiatsu. She later also becomes sort of this with Anaru.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Tetsudo "Poppo" Hisakawa[]
- Voiced by: Aki Toyosaki (child) and Takayuki Kondo (teenager)
An awkward child who idolized Jintan for his "coolness" and joined the Super Peace Busters. After Menma's death he began traveling the world, funding it with his part-time jobs, and stays in their old hut when not abroad.
- Adorkable: Mostly as a kid; now he's more Big Fun.
- Big Beautiful Man
- Big Fun
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- The Big Guy: Though he was originally the runt of the Super Peace Busters. He made up for this by intentionally acting stupid to get attention.
- Blush Sticker: Had one when he was a child.
- Brain Bleach: Definitely not played for laughs, as his frequent world travels stem from his deep-seated urge to forget memories of witnessing Menma's death.
- Curtains Match the Window
- A Date with Rosie Palms: "All kinds of man juices", indeed.
- Guilt Complex: Which is why he participates in Anaru's and Yukiatsu's reenactment of the day Menma died.
- The Heart: He's often the first to try to defuse a tense situation between his old friends.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation/Hidden Depths: Admits to Jintan that he used to act stupid in class just to get noticed, and even when he was befriended by Jintan and the others, all he could do was "nothing but watch."
- I Got Bigger
- Keet
- Man Child
- My Greatest Failure: He saw Menma drowning, but could do nothing but watch her slip away. This factors very much into his desire to see Menma's wish fulfilled, or else he thought Menma may not forgive him.
- Stepford Smiler
- Six Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine—The most fun-loving out of all the Super Peace Busters.
- Walking the Earth: Spends his part-time job money by traveling. Turns out this was his way of forgetting bitter memories of seeing Menma drown and being unable to save her.
- Where It All Began: When not abroad, he resides in the gang's old hut.
Other Characters[]
Atsushi Yadomi[]
- Voiced by: Mitsuru Ogata
Jintan's father, who is very understanding of what his son sets out to do.
- Nice Hat: Always seen wearing that beanie...thing.
- Open-Minded Parent: Believes in letting Jintan find his own course in life.
Touko Yadomi[]
- Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara
Jintan's deceased mother, who appears to have a great connection to the story in the present time.
- Hot Mom
- Ill Girl: It's implied that she had been sick for a long time before Menma's death occurred.
- Soap Opera Disease
- Posthumous Character
The Honmas[]
- Voiced by: Makoto Yasumura (Manabu), Fuyuka Oura (Irene) and Kaoru Mizuhara (Satoshi)
Menma's family, consisting of her businessman dad Manabu, her Russian mother Irene, and her younger brother Satoshi.
- Hikikomori: According to Satoshi, Irene refuses to leave the house or see other people.
- In Universe Nickname: Saa-kun!
- Parents as People - Parental Neglect: It's implied that Irene, in her grief for the loss of Menma, somewhat neglected Satoshi afterwards.
- The Resenter: Irene Honma resents the rest of the Super Peace Busters for being able to grow up and leave Menma behind.
- Stepford Smiler: Irene.
- The Unfavourite: You have to feel bad for Satoshi.
Mama Anjou[]
- Voiced by: Kimiko Saito
Anaru's mother, who enjoys teasing her in front of her friends, but can be quite a harsh disciplinarian, according to Anaru.
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents
- Beware the Nice Ones: She is genuinely caring towards Jintan and Poppo when they visit her house, and implies that she missed seeing them when she remarked that it had been a long time since they last visited. However, she apparently chews Anaru out so much over the false rumors that Anaru decides to run away to the secret base.
- Curtains Match the Windows
Aki and Haruna[]
- Voiced by: Yui Makino (Aki) and Kaoru Mizuhara (Haruna)
Anaru's so-called "friends," who could be better people on the whole.
- Alpha Bitch
- Poisonous Friend: Both of them.
- Those Two Girls
- Toxic Friend Influence: To Anaru. The ending hints that they really do care about her though.