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That's this story's title (for the moment) due to a lack of a more clever or fitting title. It is about a man who has been cast out of our world and into another. It is a world of miracles and magic, inhabited by both mankind and creatures of folklore. These creatures, however, have recently (only a few centuries ago) been transformed into beautiful women. These girls may look mostly human now, but retain some iconic features of their previous forms while remaining monsters at heart. Although they have lost their compulsion to maim, kill, and devour man it has been replaced with drive: Lust. With male monsters having ceased to be, the sole outlet for their kind are men. Their only means of survival is to woo them. Capture them. Rape them. —The Author
A fanfiction of Monster Girl Encyclopedia. See here.
A man from the real world is mysteriously cast into the Monster Girl Encyclopedia universe. After narrowly avoiding a pack of orcs, he meets up with a monster mercenary named Rose ( and many more in the future ). Together, the newly named Laven and his (mostly unintended) harem try to figure out how and why is he in these strange lands. Obviously NSFW.
- Ax Crazy: Many, many of the Arc Villains Laven encounters have seem to have a screw loose, and some are outright psychopaths! Justified, because most of the more mental villains have Dark and Troubled Pasts.
- Professor Vee is this of the highest degree. Originally a rather stoical character, by the time he tricks Laven into activating the Tower of Babel, he maniacally cackles non stop. Lampshaded by Laven.
- A close contender is Deron, who started off as an innocent wyvern knight. Things quickly go down the crapper when he fails to mount his wyvern. He gains a crazy grudge against all reptilian monsters, and hires Vee to forceful take Domedravica, which is owned by his own sister. At this point, he looks and acts as a horror monster wannabe. Without the narm.
- Bare Your Midriff: Like the below trope, all of Laven's girls qualify, sans Minte.
- Battle Harem: The group very much follows this idea. In fact with the exception of Shoshanah every single women in the main group could easily over power Laven. The only was who the entire harem struggled to beat was Minte and even then it was only because she was specifically trying to kill Laven and no one else.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: The entirety of the Arc assassins can count as this as the Churches private monster hit squad.
- The Chessmaster: Professor Vee. Joining Count Arons forces against Yaleria? A distraction allowing him to uncover the tower of babel; essentially a doomsday device for all of Yaleria Equipping The Count with nigh invulnerable power armor? Just a test subject for his latest golem model, which glitches out at the worst possible moment for Aron Killing Nerick, another nigh invulnerable character right before he kills Laven? He only did just to steal the void crystal, the key for the tower of babel Well done, Vee.
- Corrupt the Cutie Annie quite possibly the saddest example of this, even without being transformed into a monster! (Something that the fanfic's source material has become extremely infamous for) She was just another sweet little girl living with her mom and dad. Unfortunately, her mother chose to become a succubus and converted her father into an incubus. The monster couple tried turning their own CHILD into a lewd mockery of herself, which is bad enough. Thankfully, she quickly leaves the scene and tries to find the Grand Council. Sadly, thing go straight downhill from here. The Council forces Annie to learn spells that can slay even the mightiest of monsters, but beat up her body so much that her blood veins pop and blood gushes out of her eyes. And why doesn't she ditch the Council? Annie's just as allied to the Grand Council as Zeref, and the whole fiasco with her parents have traumatized her to the point where she's just another mindless tool, like the Green Reaper. Laven's naturally disgusted when he meets such a girl.
- Crapsack World: For most of the worlds history it has been nothing but this. Every few centuries or so a monster lord rises who slaughters humans to such a great extent that on certain occasions the human species is almost wiped out. The newest Monster Lord tried to fix this via turning all the monsters into monster girls, who instead of killing humans have sex with them which is better. This presents a new problem in the way that monsters are unable to have male children so that inevitably gender imbalance would cause any potential future for the world to fall apart. That problem is one that anyone on the monster lord's side is constantly trying to find a way around.
- Cute Monster girl: Every single female main character can be considered one of these. Even a large part of the side characters are Monster girls.
- Determinator: Out of all the foes Laven has faced, none is more determined to capture him than Zeref. He chases Laven across scalding deserts, gets crushed by an underground tomb, and Minte gravely wounds his arm during her Heel Face Turn against the Arc Assassins. Yet, all of this just fills Zeref with Determination to kill Laven. His extreme persistence has been recognized by the Grand Council, and promptly promoted him to "Inquisitor Zeref". Zeref is also notably the only villain who harasses Laven across multiple volumes, besides Professor Vee (and even then, Vee only did direct fighting in 1 out of the two volumes he was the villain. And during that one time, he would've completely ignored fighting Laven if he didn't knock him down the tower of Babel).
- Exclusively Evil: The church believes all monsters are this, even claiming that they devour flesh. Truth is, most monsters don't go out of their way to find men.
- Black and Grey Morality: The forces of the church and the monsters respectively. While the church is a brutal theocracy who oftentimes kills innocent monsters along with any family they might have whose religious extremism oftentimes causes them to perform atrocities such as literally Burning a person's soul to nothing. That's not to mention how they brainwash former human women into killing machines in the way of the Arc Assassins that Minty was once part of. The monsters are overall better with their far less violent means but they have a nasty habit of spreading a less horrible than average form of the Corruption to anyone they come into contact with. There's also specific cases such as Viper who tries to trick Shoshanna and Rose on a mission which could have killed them. On chapter 53[1] Viper uses a man called Jacob's sister who is sick from some dangerous disease as leverage to get him to betray his comrades and steal a magical gem. She still stabs him in the back though when Jacob could not deliver the gem in the way that its implied that Viper will corrupt Jacob's sister.
- Les Yay: Take Two and your Sour in the Morning involves Chris and Shoshanah having sex with Laven. Both are females, but they have no problems with this.
- Powered Armor: Count Aron's suit of armor. It's essentially an extremely sturdy golem that moves to his exact movements, leaving him more monster than man. Beside granting him Nigh Invulnerability, the suit lets him generate new weapons on the fly of demonic energy. Sounds unstoppable? It breaks down right in the middle of fighting Hyria's awakened soldiers.
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits Besides Chris, who holds a high position in Violetta forces, all of heroes are mostly average everyday monsters Laven happens to stumble into. Most of them are not that respected, either. Rose is extremely feared for her fight style and brutality compared to monsters before the Genesis (the spell that turned monsters from emotionless, mindless, cruel, gruesome, bloodthirsty, human population control devices into the creatures described in the author quote), Susan is a priest of a mostly dead religion, Ba'el and her kind his highly despised by the Church for being corruptive demons and leaders of a deceptively lewd and heretical (In the Church's eyes) religion, (Actual children are NOT spared, adding to the baphomet species' infamy) and Ba'el herself was hunted down by the Grand Council, and Minte's Betrayal from the Council hasn't gone down well, Especially with Zeref.
- Stripperiffic: Most of Laven's heroines naturally are this trope. This is a MGE fanfic afterall! Ba'el is notably the most erogenous example, being that her "bikini" is simply two paper thin strands of metal about as wide as her ninples.( And remember, she looks like a... let's just say way below the age of a person who would wear something so skimpy )