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File:Another Typical Fantasy Romance.png

Another Typical Fantasy Romance (아무튼 로판 맞습니다) is a 2021 manhwa written by WOLHET and illustrated by WOLHET, Anggom and Shin Chaewon. You can read the webtoon translated into English, French, German, Thai, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, or Traditional Chinese on Pocket Comics or Kakao Webtoon. Otherwise, you can read the webtoon in its original Korean on Comico, Naver Series, Ridibooks or KakaoPage.

After the gods dropped her in the world of her favorite fantasy romance novel, Lithera was quick to realize that happily-ever-afters were never easy to get. Given another shot at happiness, she is now determined to avoid the mistakes of her previous life, starting by meeting the sweet and caring Grand Duke she spent years exchanging letters with...Another typical female lead, with another typical Duke, promised to wed. Will this story go the typical path we all expect?

Tropes used in Another Typical Fantasy Romance include:
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  • Duke of the North: Subverted with Pellus Termaine, the grand duke. He is not a Raven Hair, Ivory Skin, red eyed pretty boy that Lithera expected. Instead, he is a grown man with a bushy beard and a face covered in scars.[1] The rumors calls him a wild beast, though of the imperial bloodline, he is without a shred of dignity and class. A madman only good for slaughtering monsters.[2] The heroine notes that he's more socially awkward, than the fearsome image he exudes.[4] Learning that she's regressed thrice, he offers to call her with more respect, but she insists that he should call her Lithera.[3] The reason given for his reputation is that since he descends from a collateral line of the imperial family, so they were sent far north to occupy them with monster hunting, to stop them from posing a threat to the royal family. In the end, it was decided to slaughter them all. The duke, being the youngest son, was the only one who survived and was able to reclaim his title. But in the process, he became isolated and increasingly ill-tempered. He despises other nobles so much, that they would faint under his pressure whenever they visit.[8]
  • Fake Dating: Lithera proposes a contract marriage on open terms to Pellus. When she learns that the letters from the future regressed with her this time,[2] she tells him the truth that she has regressed and wants to avoid the capital.[3]
  • Regression: Lithera has regressed thrice.
  • Isekai: Lithera transmigrates into her favorite fantasy romance novel.[1]
  • Yandere: Lithera marries the crown prince, but once she learns he's a creepy yandere, she divorces him. In her third loop, he breaks into her office and kills her because "If I can't have you, no one can!"[1] He did give her the throne though.
  • I Want Grandkids: Pellus' servants towards him.