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  • The Character Died with Him:
    • The character of Mac Cory was killed off on the show after Douglas Wattson died in 1989.
    • The character of Ada Hobson was killed off on the show after Constance Ford died in 1993.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes:
    • Like many soaps, the early years of the show (through c.1978, per The Other Wiki) no longer exist due to wiping.
    • Averted in that Another World is one of the most repeated soaps not named Dark Shadows: P&G made episodes from 1980-1981 available on AOL Video for several years, episodes from 1987-1992 were re-run on Soap Net from 2003-2007, and episodes from 1991-1992 were available on Hulu.
  • The Other Darrin: Rachel is played by three actors: Robin Strasser, Margie Impert, and (most famously) Victoria Wyndham.
  • Real Life Relative: Ralph Camargo, who played the justice of the peace at Mac and Rachel's wedding, is the Real Life father of Victoria Wyndham (Rachel).
  • Screwed by the Network: Arguably. When NBC ordered the soap Passions in 1999, it needed to cancel one of its existing soaps to make room on the schedule. Though no longer the ratings powerhouse that it was in the 1970s, the show still earned higher ratings than Sunset Beach. However, a slight uptick in the ratings and the younger demographics of Sunset Beach caused NBC to cancel Another World in June 1999. The increase in ratings for Sunset Beach would prove not to be permanent, and the show as cancelled six months later to make room for the third hour of Today.

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