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Answer Me This! is a weekly comedy podcast by Helen Zaltzman and Olly Mann, along with Martin the Soundman, in which they answer questions submitted by the general public. Recorded in Zaltzman's living-room in Crystal Palace, it began in January 2007 and has since become one of the UK's most successful independently-produced podcasts. It has been named Podcast of the Week in the Radio Times, the Times, The Independent and Time Out, as well as receiving plaudits in Q Magazine, the Financial Times, the Sunday Express, the London Paper and Podwatch. The show was nominated for two Sony Radio Academy Awards in 2009 and 2010, and became the first non-musical act ever to play the iTunes Live Festival. They now have a book out called, imaginatively, Answer Me This!

Tropes used in Answer Me This! include:
  • Couch Gag: Each episode begins with a song featuring two questions, different in every episode.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Helen. Martin and Olly occasionally fill this role, but less frequently than Helen, who rarely misses and opportunity snark at the pair of them.
  • Large Ham: Olly, at times.
  • Live Episode: Episode 100
  • Novelization: The duo has written a book of answers to questions.
  • Jingle: Frequent jingles advetising the podcast between the questions, performed by Martin the Soundman and the Answer Me This! Players. These jingles are parodies of styles or permormers; the one imitating The Knife is particularly good.
  • Special Guest: Episodes 37; 84; 131; 149 and 190 had Special Guests in the forms of Pappy's Fun Club; Josie Long; Andy Zaltzman; Ian Collins and Jon Ronson, respectively.
  • Toilet Humor
  • Team Mom: Helen often plays this role.
  • The Teaser: The First 70 or so episodes had pre-Titles sequences. Some were sketches, while most of the earlier ones were just a pre-titles Intro.