Inspired by Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Magical Girl Anime, Ara Fell is an RPG Maker 2003 role-playing game with light-hearted bite. It was made by Badluck and can be found here.
Set on a continent made up entirely of floating islands where it constantly snows (but the snow melts quickly in most areas), the plucky heroine, Lita LeCotta, must endure a wannabe hero, a snarky sorceress and an enigmatic bard as they travel to deal with a cursed ring and the vampire threat. For, you see, Lita LeCotta is The Chosen One.
Tropes used in Ara Fell include:
- Action Girl: Lita.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Seri Kesu, with Doren's help
- Early-Bird Cameo: You can meet the entire playable cast within five minutes of starting the game.
- Floating Continent: Pretty much what the entire game is placed on.
- Idiot Heroes: Arguably both Lita and Adrian, although Seri Kesu and Dorian make up for their cute antics.
- Inevitable Tournament: The very first story arc.
- Magic Music: Doren has access to this.
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Real Time Weapon Change: Lita can switch to a stake in order to kill vampires.
- Scenery Porn: Even today, the maps are considered some of the most gorgeously-designed maps in RPG Maker history.
- Taken for Granite
- Wandering Minstrel: Doren, although he has a "home" in a cave.