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Exceedingly obscure Platform Game for the Super Nintendo, focusing around eponymous hero Ardy Lightfoot and Ridiculously Cute Critter Pec on a quest to retrieve a set of Mineral MacGuffins because... uh... well, we're not sure; though the game has a plot and cutscenes, there's no written dialogue, meaning it's easy to miss out on the plot. If Wikipedia is to believed, said MacGuffins are the shattered pieces of the sacred rainbow, and whoever obtains them gets one wish. It doesn't really matter, because who pays attention to the plot, anyway?

Ardy was released during the 90's, the height of the Mascot with Attitude craze. However, it was released after consumers had grown wise to the genre flooding, and Ardy, despite being a good game, became ignored. It's also worth mentioning that Ardy Lightfoot was published by Titus Software.

It's fairly standard platformer fare, but it's solid, well-made (if infuriatingly hard) stuff-- and the music is pretty cool, too.

Tropes used in Ardy Lightfoot include: